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Scientists captured on video squid the size of a two-storey house

Added Tue, 06/06/2017
Дата публикации
Mon, 05/06/2017

The video shows how the state of the art camera called "Medusa" — floating in the dark depths of the waters off Buninskih Islands in Japan. At first I could see nothing but the device with remote control and darkness. But suddenly appear on the screen several huge tentacles!

Edith Widder is a marine biologist, who participated in the experiment screamed "Oh my God!", when they realized that they found at a depth of 700 meters. Extremely rare giant squid! Another survey, done a few days later, shows the same mythical monster — this time the scientists saw his head. The team managed to make 6 videos of the legendary creation during the expedition in 2013.

After analyzing all of the recording, Edith said: "If the tentacles of the squid was whole and fully straightened, it would be rising two-storey house".

Giant squid are not the only "alien" creatures that inhabit the oceans at depths of hundreds of meters. Creepy frilled sharks and huge sea spiders are two kinds of horrific monsters, which has caught on candid camera.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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