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Creepy reflection in the mirror caught on video

Added Wed, 28/06/2017
Дата публикации
Wed, 28/06/2017

The world wide web has got a terrible record, which instantly scattered over the Network and have caused quite a stir among fans of the supernatural. So, in a social network "Facebook" it was viewed by almost 5 million users. However, what it is: a Ghost, evil twin, DoppelgangeR, a kind of metaphysical projection of a human, the gap in space-time? Or maybe just a skilled video editing with the purpose of the hoax?

Presented below black-and-white video was filmed by a surveillance camera in an unknown dance Studio. On the walls in the room, as usual, hanging large mirrors, height from floor to ceiling, allowing dancers to follow their movements. According to the time code on the video, it was filmed back in 2010. However, a mysterious material only now leaked online and was posted on "Facebook" a group of researchers of the supernatural.

Visible on the recording the girl who alone fulfills the dance moves. On the 22nd the second she sits down on the floor to rest. It would seem, nothing special, but the 32-second something unexpected happens and frightening. The reflection in the mirror directly behind the girl suddenly turns her head backwards, though our heroine remains stationary. After that, started to live my life the reflection rises to his feet, not stopping to look at the person. The dancer gets up and leaves, but her double continues to stand still.

Opinions of Internet users regarding this video, of course, divided. Someone thinks that this is really an unexplained phenomenon, and one of the most intimidating. Even if you just imagine yourself in the place of the dancer, on the back run a chill.

Other commentators have called the recording a fake. In support of its theory, skeptics point out that the reflection in the mirror appears only when the girl decides to relax. During class girls dancing for some reason it is not visible in the mirror. Or is it also a result of the intervention of supernatural forces?..



Unfortunately, due to the lack of location of the fact, it cannot be entered into the Archive. However, as a comment to this news it can be noted that, most likely, it is deliberate falsification. This effect is easy to reproduce not only the programs for video editing, but also in specialized programs for pranks for smartphones.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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