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Added Fri, 16/06/2023
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Place → Forest

The Brazilian spirit of the forest appears in the image of a terrible man riding a wild boar with his feet turned in the opposite direction, as well as with fiery red (or even just burning) hair or wool, or even with feathers on his head, or even with the head of a night bird.

"Kuru" is a boy and "pira" is a body, which means "with the body of a boy."

He can also create illusions and make a sound similar to a high-pitched whistle to scare and drive his victim to madness. 

Kurupira preys on poachers and hunters who take more from the forest than they need, and also attacks people who hunt animals caring for their offspring. In some versions, he has a wife named Yatasi or Tatamankha, and they have children. Can carry a wooden axe.

The first European to describe the "night spirits and forest demons" of Brazil was the Portuguese priest Jose de Ancieta. From his travel notes, Europeans first learned about the "existence" of the forest spirit of Kurupira or Kaipora.

Phenomenon in mass culture

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