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Predatory fish crawling on land has been found again in Missouri

Added Fri, 07/06/2024
Дата публикации
Fri, 07/06/2024

In the waters of Missouri (USA), the northern snakehead was again noticed, a fish with an exotic appearance and amazing abilities. The fish was caught in Wayne County, which caused concern among environmentalists and curiosity among local residents.

This is the fourth time in the last few years that this invasive species has been discovered in the state. The first snakehead was found in a ditch in 2019, and the next two cases occurred last year. But what is special about this fish?

The Northern snakehead (Channa argus) has a long body and a head resembling a snake, with scales decorated with patterns like a python. These predators can reach a length of up to one meter and feed mainly on other fish, as well as crustaceans, frogs and even small birds and mammals.

But the most striking thing about snakeheads is their ability to breathe air and survive on land for several days as long as they remain wet. This allows them to move over land, like a snake, in search of new reservoirs.

Native to Asia, this fish poses a threat to local ecosystems as it competes for resources with native species and can harm biodiversity.

This time, the fish was discovered by a fisherman who, while waiting for a catch, noticed something unusual at the end of his line. After he examined the characteristics of the fish, it became clear that it was a snakehead. The fisherman left her on the sidewalk, believing that she would die, but the snakehead demonstrated amazing vitality.

After several hours in the bag, the fish was retrieved by Jacob Plunkett, a representative of the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC), who confirmed that it was still alive and active.

The MDC urges citizens to be vigilant and recommends killing the fish to prevent the further spread of this invasive species.

It is believed that the northern snakeheads first entered the rivers of the United States after an accident at a commercial fish farm in Arkansas in 2008. Since then, they have spread through the waters of the St. Francis River basin, making their way north and becoming a serious threat to local ecosystems.

Experts warn that without proper control, snakeheads can cause irreparable damage to local fauna. Not only do they compete for food with local species, but they can also transmit diseases and parasites to which local fish are not immune.

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