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This section contains information about phenomena that are generally believed to have a supernatural, mystical nature, and the very existence of which is currently in doubt.Phenomena Hierarchy


Added Sun, 28/05/2023
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An Ethereal being
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Quitter or Critter (from the English, creature – a creature, a creature), spontaneously appearing in a photograph of some kind, not normally visible structure, including a human face. These are mostly spheres or ovals, but a considerable part of them are completely unimaginable and creepy creatures.

Terms are also used: signature, deva, etheric being, and the like.

These are supposed etheric life forms, structural energy formations with low density, usually invisible to the eye, which can take a variety of forms and have a field effect on real objects. The term was proposed by the American scientist T.D. Constable (mentioned in a 1978 book).

They are considered to be a structure that spontaneously appears in a photograph and is not normally visible, including a human face. Terms are also used: signature, deva, etheric being, and the like. Sometimes it is fixed during the poltergeist or after it ends.

Constable photographed the objects he called critters in the infrared part of the spectrum, and L. Boccone, calling them plasmodids, in the ultraviolet.

Someone believes that Critters that live near the surface of the earth are similar to sprites (a rare type of lightning discharges) that manifest in the upper atmosphere. Sprites are also called ionospheric ghosts or ionospheric critters.

Some scientists believe that all these creatures are "an ethereal, or field, form of life that exists on Earth in parallel with the physical."

There is also an opinion that the critter is the soul. It is assumed that ethereal creatures of small size live near the surface of the planet. But the higher, the bigger the creatures are.

Entities that are outside the visible range

This is a review article about the phenomena associated with photographing in the ultraviolet and infrared ranges. She talks about the results of such surveys, their history and development. And raises some questions for further research and possible articles on related subjects.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Phenomenon in mass culture

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