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Added Wed, 24/04/2019
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United States
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A creature called Moss or Moss Man exists in local legends of Florida. It lives in swamps. Most often it can be detected by inhuman screams coming from an unknown source.

It runs through the swamp waters, destroying everything in its path. At him bright eyes that shine with an amber or reddish hue. It is bipedal and looks a bit like a monkey.

The moss man is tall, looks like a snowman, but leaves and grasses grow in his fur, which gives him a greenish tint. It usually attacks rabbits in pens and livestock of local residents, but it can also attack humans.

According to various legends, this is an independent creature, and the guardian spirit of the swamp, and the corpse of a murdered girl, turned by a shaman into a creepy creature for revenge on the Spaniards, who cut off her head and tied her to a tree.

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