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This section contains information about phenomena that are generally believed to have a supernatural, mystical nature, and the very existence of which is currently in doubt.Phenomena Hierarchy


Added Sun, 23/10/2022
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Periton is a fictional creature, a character in the Book of Fictional Creatures by Jorge Luis Borges. A mighty flying deer, comparable to the Greek Pegasus.

The creature has one distinctive feature — it casts a human shadow. Due to this, it was believed that periton was the spirit of a traveler who died far from home.

It was believed that winged deer in ancient times were often seen on the islands The Mediterranean Sea, in the area of the Strait of Gibraltar. It was believed that the peritons feed on people: they attacked the confused sailors with the whole herd and devoured them, while no weapon was capable of protecting them.

Это интересно 

For many years, the radio telescope of the Australian Parkes Observatory has been catching strange powerful radio signals that no one could explain. These signals were called peritones in honor of the fictional creature Periton, a character in the Book of Fictional Creatures by Jorge Luis Borges. The frequency of these signals and their "habit" of appearing from star clusters recalled the behavior of another little–studied phenomenon - fast radio bursts (FRBs), discovered many years later.As a result, the mystery was fully solved in 2015, when astronomers once again used the Australian Parkes telescope and discovered the reason for the appearance of these signals. As it turned out, it's all about... the radiation of an ordinary microwave oven, which was used by the observatory staff to heat food. Every time the microwave door opened ahead of time, a radio pulse resembling an FRB burst out of it.

Phenomenon in mass culture

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