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The worm is a monster from Linton

Added Mon, 11/05/2020
Область распространения
United Kingdom
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Place → Reservoir
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The story of this Scottish Riptide dates back to 1100 years. In ancient legend tells about a terrible huge worm-eater, who used to scare people in the village of Linton, County Roxburghshire that in the southern highlands of Scotland.

According to legend, the worm of Linton was rather large and reached 3-4 meters in length.

In legends it was said that the worm had two homes or two lairs:

  • One of them was in the center of the area called Linton Loch is a small swampy area, the perfect place for a monster to hide from people.
  • The other monastery was in Linton hill, which even today is sometimes called the Lair of the worm (Worm's Den).

This animal appears to float and also move on land. The creature ate everything that came across: people, cows, sheep, pigs, vegetables - everything was food for the monster.

It was all over, when Linton was not a man named John de Somerville (John de Somerville), also known under the name of the Laird of Lariston. When John decided to kill the worm, a local blacksmith had forged for him, the razor-sharp spear. During the battle with the monster John drove a spear into the throat of the worm. In agony, the worm rushed to his lair and furiously wriggled his whole body, palsy the hills.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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