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This section contains information about places where, according to urban legends, certain phenomena appear. This list is not complete, you can expand it by adding your information.

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Basurman crypts

ул. Госпитальный Вал, м. Бауманская
Moskovskaya oblast
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In the pestilence of 1771, Muscovites expanded churchyards: there were not enough of their own, and then a whole German settlement supplied the dead. I had to arrange a special cemetery for the gentiles on the high bank of the Sinichka River (now it was hidden in a pipe). Far from their native land, among the gloomy Gothic tombstones and mossy porticos lie German Musketeers, French hatters, Polish bollards.

On spring evenings, at dusk, the inconsolable melody of a flute rushes through the dark cemetery park. In the rain, an invisible musician cries notes until dawn to the sound of iron shackles from the grave of doctor Fyodor Haaz.

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