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This section contains information about places where, according to urban legends, certain phenomena appear. This list is not complete, you can expand it by adding your information.

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Forester on the street Velvet Hillock

улица Бархатный Бугор
Voronezhskaya oblast
Mystic places in region
Open to visitors yes

In general, it is believed that in Voronezh quite a lot of streets, paths and descents are made of gravestones taken, for example, from dismantled cemeteries. Asphalt was laid on top of some, some were reconstructed and returned to their place. It is believed that the path near the Thorn Cemetery belongs to such places (or belonged to – the cemetery was going to be reconstructed for a long time). Urban legend says that shadow-like silhouettes sometimes move along this path. In general, such legends apply to all places in the construction of which tombstones were clearly or rumored to have been used. However, we did not encounter facts with personal testimonies.

The most famous of these stairs is located on the street Velvet Hillock. For many years, locals have seen a ghostly girl on it at night, who was nicknamed Praskovya by the name that was carved on the stone on which she always sat. The ghost did not touch anyone, only people heard him crying at night. She doesn't show up there anymore now.

Additional information

Our impressions after visiting the place

None of our group managed to see or photograph this ghostly woman. 

Once, a long time ago, I personally happened to go down one of these stairs to the reservoir. It was very wild to walk on the tombstones, on which the inscriptions were read. But apart from unpleasant sensations associated with morality, nothing was noticed – no silhouettes, no other sensations.

We have a separate article about such places in Voronezh. 

Anomalous zones of Voronezh

In this article we will consider and partially analyze the most famous anomalous places of the city of Voronezh (Russia)

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