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Raccoon dog

Added Thu, 27/10/2016
Version type

Predatory omnivorous mammal of the family Canidae.

The natural habitat of raccoon dog — wood and mountain-region of North-Eastern Indochina, China, Japan and the Korean Peninsula. In Russia it was originally found only in the Ussuri region and in the southern part of Amur region.

In the mid-twentieth century, they spread across the European part of Russia and the countries of Eastern Europe, and then penetrated into Finland, Estonia, Sweden, Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Germany and France.

The favorite habitat of raccoon dogs is wet meadows, boggy lowlands, grassy floodplains and riverine forest with dense undergrowth. Shelters are often located close to roads and villages.

The raccoon dog is active mainly at dusk and night. Omnivorous. Eats animal and plant food in summer — rodents, birds and their eggs, frogs, beetles, autumn grain oats, berries, fallen fruits, etc. does Not disdain carrion, drowning fish and food scraps.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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