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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1512120633
Added Fri, 01/12/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Биг Бэар Лейк, CA
United States

It's a creature that was either a demon or a phantom, or something else, was observed in February 2017, when it was snowing, in the town of big bear lake, CA. It is a place with many hotels and ski resorts.

An eyewitness wrote about it to the American researcher of anomalous creatures Heart Strickler.

I arrived at the resort big bear lake February 27, 2017, says an eyewitness, at Approximately 12.35 a.m. I went to my car to bring in Luggage room. Abundantly it was snowing and it was dark. When I pressed the unlock button, lit the car lights and in the light I noticed two shining eyes from the road very close, about 3-4 meters away from me. At first I thought it was a deer, I grew up in Colorado, we often deer and other forest animals are walking close to houses. I didn't want to scare the deer away, so stopped and began to consider what kind of animal. But it was not a deer. It was like a completely naked man, who was standing on all fours.

He was huge, his height on all fours was at least 4 feet (1.2 meters), and if he stood up, he probably would have reached high, and every 15 feet (4.5 meters). For a brief moment our eyes met, and then he turned and ran away as fast as does not run no animal, except perhaps the Cheetah. He ran, and then jumped on the tree. I stood in shock and could not believe my eyes, and then said loudly to myself "You decided to play a trick on me, huh?" And at that moment I saw how it jumped from the top of one tree to another and I very well saw that jump.

Its speed was incredible and it was definitely a creature of the physical plane (not a Ghost). Why is it tried to come near me? Was hunting me? If so, what stopped him? Could be car lights. And I noticed yet another anomaly in his appearance. He was completely naked, but he didn't have visible genitals. It was also the day of the new moon and the day I started my period. Maybe it's all nothing to do with each other, I don't know. It all seems ridiculous. If it was a grey alien with big eyes, that would make more sense as I read about them. But this creature was not like anything and all of the factors as parameters of the body, speed and agility also make no sense. As it climbed to the top of the tree and remained there with their great size and apparent weight? And when he jumped on the tree, it seemed that he did not touch the branches and leaves. After I recovered from the shock, I rushed to my room where in bed asleep is my son, whom I came to rest, and called my dad.

When I told him about the creature, I was crying from the experience. I still feel fear, remembering the meeting. I grew up in the Christian faith and is a humanoid creature not fit into any concept of Christianity. By the way, I noticed later that the phone number of the hotel where I was staying, there were six sixes in a row, although it's probably also irrelevant to the incident.

Could it be a demon? I was told that demons do not have their bodily appearance, they can only possess the body of other beings. I also can't imagine that this creature could be an alien from outer space. What it will do then? Why it appeared on my eyes?

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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