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The Alien. United States

ID #1516527200
Added Sun, 21/01/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
02.12.1974 22:30
северо-западная часть округа Полк
United States

The story of farmer William Bascom (William Bosak) unique in its kind, this is the very rare case when faced cryptozoology and UFOlogy. It happened on 2 December 1974 at 22.30 near the dairy farm 68-year-old William Bosak in the North-Western part of the County Regiment, Wisconsin, USA.

Bosak that evening, was returning home in his car from a meeting of the local cooperative and about a mile from my farm I saw something on the roadside. The object did not move and the height was very high, about 2.5-3 meters. Its surface glowed, but reflected aimed at him, the headlights and the shape of the object similar to a conch shell or a bell, but at the top it was transparent part made of glass. And it was the creature that raised up their hands.

Bosak describes this creature as human-like, but the descriptions it is not too resembles a man. The head of the creature was covered with short hard hair, but the face was bare, his beard was not there, his chin was hairless. The creature's eye was large and prominent, and the ears are very large and resembled the ears of a calf. His body, at least the part that is seen Bosak, too, was covered with brown fur, including hands. And it didn't look as if the creature was dressed in fur clothing. On the neck there was nothing that resembled a collar or other signs that the hair was only part of the clothing. Other parts of the body being indistinguishable, while the bottom of the "ship" was shrouded in fog.

Seeing all this, the farmer is very frightened, but the creature looked at him, too, apparently was scared, as was shown by the facial expressions of his face. When Bosak drove past an object, it greatly slowed the car to look at the substance, but he barely saw it, as here, has given on gases and as quickly as possible went to his home. At the same time when he withdrew from the object, his car seemed to be weak the lights, their light became less bright. He also heard a strange sound, covering his entire car, like the friction of branches of the tree. Returning home, he tried to see (through binoculars) the stretch of road where the device was, but the mist hid the whole of that area.

The next morning he returned to the same spot, but there was nothing there. Bosak within a month nobody said anything about what he saw, even his wife and children. But later decided to tell his story was even published in the local newspaper. After this he was visited by two researchers of anomalous phenomena from companies APRO and they found that the farmer Bosak local people reputed to be man honest and with good reputation. He was never seen in the spread of fiction and this kind of jokes.

Bosak himself even demanded that all unbelievers checked his lie detector and he would have shown that nothing was written. Later, this case has been included in many anthologies of paranormal stories with names like "Bigfoot - UFO pilot" and the like. Himself Bosak was sure that he had seen the creature came from another dimension.

After a while Bosak told reporters that after the incident, he long feared to go out late in the evening and at night. Additionally, the story about that meeting was complemented by Bocacom such detail that there is a proposed meeting with "Bigfoot" local mowers found on the field of the so-called round in the fields.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Drawing of Bosak sighting.

Farmer William Bosak, 68, of rural Frederic, Wisconsin (Polk County, Northwest Section), had what he termed as a hair-raising experience at 10:30 p.m. on December 2, 1974. Mr. Bosak had attended a Fanner’s Co-op meeting in Frederic and was driving to his rural home southeast of Frederic when, about one mile from his farm, he spotted an object on the left side of the road ahead of him. He had been driving slowly because of patches of fog and his headlights reflected off the object so he slowed as he approached it.

“It had a curved front of the glass and inside I could see a figure with its arms raised above its head,” Bosak told reporters. When later interviewed by Field Investigator Everett E. Lightner, Bosak said that the newspaper account which appeared in the St. Paul Pioneer-Press was basically accurate except that the ears on the “human” he saw inside were placed higher on the head. (See drawing accompanying this article.)

The object was standing still and appeared to be between 8 and 10 feet in height. The transparent ‘glass’ area through which Bosak could view the occupant was bullet-shaped at the top, or tapered to a peak. He had slowed nearly to a stop when he came up to the object, but then fear took over and he stepped on the accelerator and left the object behind. He said that when he did so, the inside of his car became dark and he heard a swishing sound like branches of a tree brushing against the car.

The “human,” as Bosak referred to it, had hair sticking out from the sides of its head with ears protruding out about three inches and they were shaped like a calf’s ear. It had no collar or shirt with a seam in front but appeared to be clothed in something tannish-brown in color and fitted (skin-tight) like a diver’s suit. Both arms were extended above its head and hair stuck out from the outside of the arms. There was no beard, but there was hair or fur on the upper part of the body. The rest of it, from the* waist down, was not visible because of the fog. The object itself was not lighted but reflected light from the headlights of Mr. Bosak’s car.

Mr. Bosak returned to the location the next morning to search for any landing marks or evidence of its presence but found nothing. He said he was very frightened at the time but the look on the face of the occupant of the craft indicated that it was frightened too. Its eyes were very large and protruding.

Bosak kept the experience to himself for nearly a month, not even telling his wife and son but finally decided to divulge the incident. A later (that night) attempt to view the area where the incident had occurred from the vantage point of his house was unsuccessful due to the fog. “I was so goldarned scared I was afraid to go out at night for a few days,” he told reporters later and said he wished that he had had somebody with him in the car at the time. After reflecting on the experience for a few weeks, Bosak said that he felt he did the wrong thing by speeding away from the object and “should have stopped and tried to show it I was friendly. I wish I could meet up with it again.”

Bosak, who has operated a 450-acre dairy farm east of Frederic for the past 40 years, said that prior to his frightening experience in December he had been skeptical of stories about UFOs. “And I’m sure a lot of people are going to be skeptical after hearing what happened to me. But if people don’t believe me, I’ll take a lie detector test to prove this isn’t just something I made up.”

Mr. Lightner, who investigated the case, found Bosak to be sincere and a man with a good reputation in his community.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Rocket launches (from space.skyrocket.de)

  • Site: Baikonur (Tyuratam, NIIP-5, GIK-5), Tyuratam (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Soyuz-U Payload: Soyuz 16


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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