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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Italy

ID #1530892541
Added Fri, 06/07/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Корбола RO

In 1988, an Italian UFO researcher Paolo Fiorino recorded the testimony of Francesca K. about what she saw almost 60 years ago, in 1927, while she was 11 or 12 years old.

She lived in Corbola (Rovigo), and one morning when she was going to get drinking water near the river Po, she saw a round and luminous object. He descended into the water of 7-8 meters from it.

She was scared, because I thought that this plane went down. But polecenie a few minutes he flew out of the water and flew away, leaving the water a lot of bubbles.

She said that she was able to observe the internal situation of an object through a porthole or window. Victry was the "little man", visible only from the neck (it seems that he was sitting). His head was covered and his features were similar to features of the people.

Francesca K. indicated that she had heard a noise like a whistling sound. She also remembered that he was blinded by light coming from the object. This luminosity was present as during the descent, and if you delete an object.

She estimated the diameter of the object as approximately 2 or 3 meters, but it was difficult to assess accurately. Not knowing how to explain what she saw, she remained puzzled. When I returned home with two buckets of water, she didn't say anything to mother. Only after about 30 years she talked about their son and husband.

Fiorino notes that the witness used the word UFO only once during the interview.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

In 1988, Italian ufologist Paolo Fiorino managed to hear the testimony of Francesca C. on what she saw nearly 60 years before, in 1927, whereas she was 11 or 12 years old. She lived in Corbola in the district of Rovigo, and one morning when she was going to get drinking water close to the river Po, whereas she was on the bank, she saw a round and luminous object coming from above; which dove in the water at approximately to 7 or 8 meters of her. Perplexed and partly frightened, she initially thought of the possibility of a plane which would have fallen, but after what seemed to her to be three to five minutes, the object came out of the water which seemed to bubble, with many bubbles, and left in the sky. She said she managed to observe, inside the object, without Fiorino being able to determine if it were through a porthole or a window or otherwise, a “small man” visible only from the neck up, so that he gave the impression to be sitting. His head was not covered and his features were similar to those of the humans. Francesca C. indicated to Fiorino on his request, that she had heard a noise like that produced by planes, similar to a whistling sound, without her being sure of that detail. She also remembered to have been dazzled by an intense luminosity coming from the object, even saying that she “almost lost” visual capacity due to the dazzling. This luminosity was present both at the time of the descent and the departure of the object. She evaluated the diameter of the object as approximately of 2 or 3 meters, but it was difficult to evaluate how approximate this was. Not knowing how to explain what she had seen, she remained staggering and rather perplexed. Returned home with the two water buckets, she did not tell anything to her mother nor to others for fear not to be believed. It is only after approximately 30 years that she told about it to her son and her husband. Fiorino notes that the witness used the word UFO only once during the interview.


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