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Parallel world. New Zealand

ID #1541414413
Added Mon, 05/11/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
New Zealand

Now the new Zealander Alec Neuwalde 70 years, and 30 years ago, in 1989 he was abducted by aliens and 10 days held captive at its base. The history of Newbald told the live radio show "As You Wish".

He talked about his experience in earlier years and also wrote the book "Co-Evolution", which describes in detail his unusual case (published in 1999).

It was a normal Monday morning in February 1989, when Alec Newald went by car to the Auckland region from Rotorua on a mountain road. The path was supposed to take no more than three hours, but when the man arrived in Auckland, he suddenly found out that from the moment of his departure it was as much as 10 days. At first he could not remember anything of what happened to him, he only had a clouded sense of consciousness and the feeling of extreme fatigue.

His family and friends has already been decided that he fell off a mountain trail into the abyss. But then the memory began to come back. Alex remembered that he was taken by aliens and kept all these 10 days at his base, telling different things about her universe evolved.

"They took me from the mountain road and it happened very suddenly. I suddenly felt like I had to take a mountain of bricks, or that I poured cement. I was paralyzed and strongly pressed to the back of his chair. I could not drive and could not move. When I saw the rock ahead, I realized that now slam into it, but... I suddenly woke up in some space filled with neon blue lights. I decided that I died and my Ghost is doing now afterlife journey. I had never heard of UFOs or do drugs".

Then before the man was unusual delicate creature, which he initially mistook for a Ghost. Then the man suddenly realized that he could maneuver his mind "placing it ahead of or to the side of his body". Then he was surrounded by other "spiritual forms".

"Then I looked up and saw three aliens, the tallest of which looked like the "thin Ghost". The second was lower and I decided that this man, so I thought. The third was very small, very skinny and with a big head. He had a very unusual narrow eyes, who were greatly lower than on the faces of people. The ears and nose I did not see, but his appearance does not seem to have any significance, so I immediately just felt his presence in your consciousness."

Then the aliens took Alec somewhere and he saw many buildings of different shapes, and then ordered him to enter into some machine that has created a special physical body for him. According to Neuwald these machines aliens is also used to create a physical body in which they may be present on our planet.

When the aliens returned the man back to Earth 10 days later and he remembered everything and began to talk about it, he began to receive messages from different "officials" who wanted to learn about his paranormal experiences and especially about the possibilities of an alien race.

In later years Alec Neuwalde was very difficult to continue to live as if nothing happened. And the more he told people about what happened to him, the harder it became his life.

"Many relatives of people from whom I was waiting for support, began to despise me and to stay away from me, exposing to ridicule. Now, after almost 30 years, for me nothing has changed. In the country I like a second-class citizen".

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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