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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Circles on the field and other formations. Russia

ID #1549367680
Added Tue, 05/02/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Arkhangelskaya oblast

A local resident, 50-year-old Semyon Stepanovich Okulov, hunting of Martens in a thick forest. He took all the necessary at least for a week.

Walking along the river, Hiking for many miles, he succeeded in catching only one marten. Winter days are short, and soon Northern suburbs darkened, so he decided to spend the night under a large spruce tree. He chopped the wood, lit a fire and prepared the "bed" of pine branches.

Okulov suddenly heard a strange buzzing sound in the forest. This sound was extremely strange. The witness was an experienced hunter, he had a sharp ear, and in addition to the cracking of burning wood, he could hear a sound like a giant "beetle". He looked around and saw nothing - a pitch-dark night dominated his environment. But when he stood, he saw in the sky one cloud that looked lighter than others and became brighter and brighter, and soon it was enveloped in a wonderful glow. Then this brilliant cloud departed something very strange.

The object was quite unusual, looked like an inverted and flattened "iron plate" with a flat bottom and a curved "Brokeback" top, like an inverted deep bowl. A bright light flashed at the top of the object. This amazing object slowly floated across the meadow and came down very close to the ground. Okulov was not a coward, but in this moment he became "very shy" in front of this unknown object.

He quickly extinguished the fire with a small amount of snow and hid behind the branches of a coniferous tree, watching the object to see what might happen next. A sudden light on the strange object was gone, and a thick column of light began to be projected from the object to the ground. The light was unusual, vague in appearance.

At this point Simon noticed a few circular Windows or Windows that appear on top of the object. Inside these Windows he could see a dim light. At first the witness saw a few shadows moving here and there inside the object. Shapes or shadows reminded the witness to "skull". But when he looked more closely, he realized that it was the hairless head in the shape of skulls.

He could see the head and part of the shoulder area just humanoid. The head was humanoid with no hair, no nose and with the wide bumpy foreheads, in the lower part of the head narrowed to the tip of the chin.

A strange object was nearby about 30 minutes and then the column of misty light disappeared, and the bright lights on top began flashing.Something on the top of the object began to rotate, but did not utter a sound. In the blink of an eye the object suddenly flew up, emitting a trail of sparks on top of the spruce, and disappeared from sight.

Hunter couldn't sleep the rest of the night and in the morning he went to the place where he was the object, and discovered the earth is round, the melted area of snow.

Then he rushed to the hut, where there were other hunters, and there met a fellow hunter Nenets nationality and asked him if he saw anything unusual that night. He really said that he saw the lights flying in the cloud.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

A local resident, 50-year old Semyen Stepanovich Okulov had gone out, armed with a rifle, in a hunt for martens in the dense taiga. He had taken bread and other necessary supplies for at least a week. Walking along the River Pesha for many kilometers he had succeeded in catching only one marten. The days in winter are short and soon the northern environs became dark, so he stopped to spend the night under a large spruce tree. He cut firewood and constructed a fire and prepared a “bed” made of conifer branches. Suddenly Okulov heard a strange buzzing sound in the taiga, the sound was extremely strange. The witness was an experienced hunter and had a keen ear and besides the crackling of the burning firewood he could hear a sound like a giant “beetle”. He looked around and saw nothing—a pitch dark impenetrable night dominated his surroundings. But when he stood up he saw one cloud in the sky that looked lighter than the others and becoming more and shinier, it was soon enveloped in an amazing glow. Then something very weird floated out of this shiny cloud. The object was totally out of the ordinary, resembling an inverted and flattened “cast iron plate” with a flat bottom and curved “humpbacked” top like an inverted deep bowl. A bright light was flashing at the top of the object. This amazing object slowly floated over the glade and descended very near the ground. Okulov wasn’t a coward but at this moment he became “very timid” in front of this unknown object. He quickly extinguished the fire with some snow and hid behind the branches of conifer, peeping at the object to see what might happen next. Suddenly the lights on the strange object died out and a thick column of light was projected from the object to the ground. The light was unusual, misty, or foggy in appearance. At this moment Semyen noticed several round windows or portholes appearing on top of the object. Inside those portholes he could see a dim light. At first the witness saw some shadows moving here and there inside the object, the figure or shadows resembled “skulls” to the witness. But when he looked more intently he realized that these were skull-shaped hairless heads. He could see the heads and part of the shoulder area on several humanoids. The heads of the humanoids were without hair, no noses, and wide bumpy foreheads, in the lower section the heads narrowed to a pointy chin. The strange object hovered nearby for about 30 minutes and then the column of misty light vanished and the bright lights on top began flashing again. Something on the middle top of the object began to rotate but without emitting a sound. In the blink of an eye the object suddenly shot away emitting a trail of sparks on top of the spruces and disappeared from sight. The hunter could not sleep the rest of the night and in the morning he approached the area where the object had hovered and found a circular melted section of snow on the ground. He then rushed towards the cabin where other hunters had gathered and there encountered a fellow hunter of Nenets nationality and asked him if he had seen anything unusual that night. His answered was indeed, that he had seen lights flying into a cloud.


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