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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1553789838
Added Thu, 28/03/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
09.11.1952 01:05
Станция ВВС Tierra Amarilla
United States

Unidentified radar target first appeared at 143 degrees and 45 miles from the radar station 767 squadron AC&W, bound for a point 100 miles from the station. The object is moved with an estimated speed of 600 to 1,500 miles per hour and the estimated height of 40,000 feet. Then the object returned by mutual direction to a point 65 miles from the station. Then the object stopped and hovered for about 2 minutes and then went to its original position to a point 100 miles from the station. At this point radar contact was lost. Radar FPS-3. The facility was under radar observation for about 10 minutes.

Evaluation of Blue book:

I. a description of the incident

At 01:05 on 9 November 1952, a radar at El Vado (new Mexico), first detected a flash width of 20°, 45 miles, and 145° from the station. "Flash" moved with a speed from 600 to 1400 miles per hour when she left the stage 130 miles. Soon she returned on the same azimuth, got to 65 miles from the station, hovered for about two minutes, povernula and again gone beyond. Was observed for ten minutes.

During the observation frequency of the radar set was changed to 20 megahertz with no visible change.

II. The Discussion Of The Incident

It was shown that many similar types of returns due to defined atmospheric conditions. It is possible that this return was due to the weather.

III. Conclusion

Weather caused the unusual radar return.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

An unidentified radar target first appeared at 143 degrees and 45 miles from the radar station of the 767th AC&W Squadron heading outbound to a point 100 miles from the station. The object was traveling at an estimated speed of 600 to 1500 mph and an estimated altitude of 40,000 feet. The object then returned on the reciprocal heading to a point 65 miles from the station. The object then stopped and hovered for approximately 2 minutes and then proceeded outbound to a point 100 miles from the station. At this point radar contact was lost. The radar was an FPS-3 radar. The object was under radar surveillance for approximately 10 minutes.

Project Blue Book Assessment:

I. Description of Incident

At 0105Z on 9 November 1952, a radar at El Vado, New Mexico, first observed a “blip” 20° wide, 45 miles and 145° from the station. The “blip” was clocked at front 600 to 1400 mph as it went off the scope at 130 miles. It soon returned on the same azimuth, came to within 65 miles of the station, hovered approximately two minutes, turned. and went off the scope again. It was observed a total of ten minutes.

During the sighting, the frequency of the radar set was changed 20 megacycles with no apparent change in the target.

II. Discussion of Incident

Many similar types of returns have been shown to be due to certain atmospheric conditions. It is very possible that this return was due to weather.

III. Conclusion

Weather caused the unusual radar return.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

False targets on the radar

Marks from unknown unidentified targets appeared on the radar indicator screens. Mysterious reflected signals were also received in a clear atmosphere from areas where there seemed to be nothing…


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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