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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Parallel world. Spain

ID #1558625986
Added Thu, 23/05/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
26.03.2002 15:00

On March 26, 2002, in the middle of the day, a man who wished to remain anonymous was quietly returning home. Around 3 p.m., when he was near the city Casalla de la Sierra in Andalusia (Spain), he saw a spaceship on the road, and next to it two humanoids.

A pharmaceutical salesman was returning from work along a deserted road when he noticed that a pear-shaped object resting on three metal legs was shining in the middle of the roadway not far from him.

A little puzzled, he decided to approach cautiously. Then he noticed two humanoids more than two meters tall in a nearby field. They were dressed in tight white suits and helmets similar to those used by the first astronauts of Earth.

He parked his car and approached the two strangers. One of the men left and entered the pear-shaped spaceship, while the other stayed a little behind. Knowing that these people were "not from Earth," he asked the remaining humanoid if they needed help. As he approached these visitors from other places, he felt like he was in a trance and seemed to be floating along the road.

The humanoid told him that everything was fine, but he seemed genuinely happy that the human offered to help him. The alien added that this region is extremely beautiful.

"People don't know what they have. Where we come from, we don't have such beautiful landscapes, they have long disappeared."

The witness, surprised by this answer, decided to ask the humanoid where he came from. He replied that he came from another dimension ("a concept that people haven't learned yet").

The humanoid smiled at him before saying goodbye and headed towards the pear-shaped object just a few steps away. Then the ship made a powerful hissing sound and disappeared at very high speed in the direction of the nearby cliffs.

The witness claimed that these humanoids were about 2.50 meters tall, had a wide and stocky bust, thin legs. They possessed physical characteristics similar to human ones, but somewhat “refined" or pointed. The spacesuits were very tight-fitting, made of a synthetic material resembling plastic. Their eyes were very bright, almost white, and their speech was hesitant and emphatic. Their movements seemed awkward.

Original news

Location. Cazalla de la Sierra, Spain
Date: March 26 2002 Time: 1500
A pharmaceutical products salesman was returning along a deserted road when he noticed ahead in the distance and in the middle of the roadway an object resembling a shiny pear that was resting on three metallic legs. Somewhat perplexed he approached and noticed two individuals standing on a nearby field. These were over 2 meters in height, wore tight fitting white coveralls and helmets resembling that of the early astronauts. He parked his vehicle and approached the two strange figures on foot. One of the men walked away and entered the shiny pear-shaped craft while the other remained behind. Knowing that these men were “not from this earth” he still asked the remaining humanoid if he needed any assistance. He felt that as he approached the strange pair he had been in some type of a trance and seemed to have floated over the road. The humanoid answered and appeared genuinely happy as to his offer of assistance but said that everything was in order. He also added that the area was very beautiful and also added: “Humans don’t know what they have. Where we come from we don’t have such beautiful scenes, they disappeared a long time ago.” The astounded witness managed to ask the humanoid where he was from and was told that they hailed from another dimension, a concept that humans have not yet assimilated. The humanoid smiled as he answered the question. The humanoid then bid goodbye and walked towards the nearby shiny pear-shaped object, he then disappeared inside of it. The craft then emitted a loud whistling sound and disappeared at very high speed towards some nearby cliffs. The witness described the humanoids as about 2.50 meters in height, wide chests and heavy set, thin legs, generally human features, but somewhat “refined” or sharpened features. The suits were very tight fitting made of an apparent synthetic material resembling plastic. Their eyes were very light almost white and their speech was hesitant & accented. Also their movements seemed kind of clumsy.


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