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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Canada

ID #1560938093
Added Wed, 19/06/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Кандьяк, QC

On 25 may 2019, shortly before midnight, two witnesses observed an unexplained phenomenon over the city of Candiac in the area Menagerie in Quebec. It was a fleet of UFOs. These objects seemed to follow each other in a straight line.


"We looked at the sky, and the trail of white dots heading North-East. The first was more compact, but a good distance separated them from the past behind. "

The strange thing is that this is not the first case when it is reported about a similar phenomenon.

A man named Francois said he has seen the same thing in Sherbrooke city in Quebec and also the witness also saw this phenomenon in Villere, France.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Le 25 mai 2019, peu avant minuit, deux témoins ont observé un phénomène inexpliqué au-dessus de la ville de Candiac, dans la région Montérégie, au Québec.

Il s’agissait d’une flotte d’OVNI. Ces objets semblaient se suivre les uns derrière les autres en ligne droite.

Témoignage :

« Nous regardions le ciel et une traîné de points blancs allaient en direction du nord est. Les premiers étaient plus compacts, mais une bonne distance séparaient ceux-ci des derniers plus loin derrière. Deux véhicules aériens humains ont semblé prendre sa suite. »

Le plus étrange c’est que ce n’est pas la première fois qu’un phénomène similaire est rapporté.

Un homme prénommé François a affirmé avoir observé exactement la même chose à Sherbrooke, une ville du Québec.

Un témoin a également vu ce phénomène à Villerest, en France :

« Sur Villerest dans le 42 nous avons vu la même chose avec mes enfants. Une ligne d’une dizaines de points formant une traînée blanche. »



List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence


Ordinary satellites, which often look like single, not very bright luminous dots moving smoothly in the night sky, are quite often mistaken for UFOs. After the Starlink satellites (near-Earth satellite systems developed by SpaceX, in order to create a cheap and high-performance satellite Internet communication channel and technical transmitters for receiving and transmitting signals from earth and orbit) were launched, it became possible to observe groups of satellites (up to 60 pieces) flying one after another.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

Based on your photo, and date of observation, most likely it is a satellite system of the global Internet Starlink.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

News: SpaceX launched the first of 60 satellites of global Internet Starlink

Company SpaceX, after two delays, launched a Falcon 9 rocket with 60 first communications satellites system, Starlink. It is expected that in the coming years the company will expand the orbital group Starlink to almost 12 thousands of satellites in low earth orbit that will provide high-speed Internet access around the world. Stream launch took place on the YouTube channel SpaceX.


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation


Ordinary satellites, which often look like single, not very bright luminous dots moving smoothly in the night sky, are quite often mistaken for UFOs. After the Starlink satellites (near-Earth satellite systems developed by SpaceX, in order to create a cheap and high-performance satellite Internet communication channel and technical transmitters for receiving and transmitting signals from earth and orbit) were launched, it became possible to observe groups of satellites (up to 60 pieces) flying one after another.

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