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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Land creatures. New Zealand

ID #1561045154
Added Thu, 20/06/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
New Zealand

UFO researcher John Stuart along with Doreen Wilkinson was in the house of the former, when Doreen went out to buy cigarettes.

After a few minutes she began to scream that there's something there. Stewart hurried to the street and immediately felt a terrible stench reminiscent of burnt plastic and sulfur. He began to inspect the back of the pad when soon he heard a strange shuffling and scratching sound and felt like something touched him on the shoulder, apparently, invisible creature.

Walking through the house, John and Doreen were horrified to see a grotesque creature with a height of eight feet (2.5 m) 30 feet (9 m) from them.

They described the creature as something with a large bulbous head, no neck. He was huge and clumsy body, supported on ridiculously short legs. He had webbed feet. He had no hands, and his long toes stuck out like stalks. His eyes were about four inches (10 cm) in diameter, red. The nose was just two holes and his mouth was just a straight line in the horrible depraved person. His skin was green and you could see the red veins popping through the awkward shape. It was definitely male.

The figure moved to the two witnesses, and Doreen stood, taking off clothes. At the same time, humanoid radiated "very obscene" thoughts in her brain. As soon as she reached him, he suddenly fell back and disappeared.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

UFO investigator John Stuart along with Doreen Wilkinson where at the formers house when Doreen stepped out in order to buy some cigarettes. A few minutes later she rushed in yelling that there was “something” out there. Stuart hurried outside and immediately felt a terrible stench resembling burnt plastic and sulfur. He began searching the rear of the grounds when soon he began hearing a peculiar shuffling and scraping sound and felt something brush against his shoulder, apparently an invisible entity. Walking around the house, John and Doreen were horrified to see a grotesque eight foot tall creature about 30 ft from them. They described the creature as having a large bulbous head, no neck. It had a huge and ungainly body supported on ridiculously short legs. It had webbed feet. It had no hands, its long fingers jutted from its arms like stalks. Its eyes were about four inches across, red in color. There was no nose, just two holes and the mouth was simply a straight slash across an appallingly lecherous face. Its skin was green in color and it was possible to see red veins running through its ungainly form. It was a definitely a male. The figure moved towards the two witnesses as Doreen stood transfixed, removing her clothing. At the same time the humanoid was beaming “very obscene” thoughts into her brain. Just as it reached her, it suddenly floated backwards and vanished.


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