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Land creatures. Colombia

ID #1561280714
Added Sun, 23/06/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Гуасималь CUN

Something strange is happening in Colombia. From the UFO point of view here and UFOs that haven't seen, and suddenly a sharp jump in the observation of one particular type of alien in one particular small village. June 11, 2019, the largest newspaper in Colombia "El Tiempo" devoted to the history of this great article.

Journalists report that a strange tall creatures, whose growth was higher than two meters, then began to see in 2012. Creatures always appear at night, they have a strange robotic voice and they are dressed in black.

Guasimal (Guasimal) very quiet place, there is no loving draws crowds of giddy teenagers, and live mostly ordinary poor people who raise livestock, work at the sugar factory, making cheese and planting fruit and vegetable crops.

The first humanoids appeared in December 2012 and since then been back every year. Each time the village of Guasimal became more popular among the Colombian fans of the paranormal. They began to come here from all over the country to try to personally see these creatures. Unfortunately, nobody has managed to make a video or at least pictures of humanoids or their ship. There are only eyewitness accounts. Most often, these stories take over the usual urban legends-horror stories.

However, in December 2018 was something that slightly changed the atmosphere around the alien visits in Guasimal. Between the newcomers and the local farmer took place close to the contact, and the farmer gave an important message. This farmer's name was Diego Mondragon, and up to December 2018 the aliens have also arrived on his farm, however, if the close contact did not occur. At the same time the aliens have come very close to farm buildings and all the inhabitants of the farm are scared when they arrived. But Diego told them to calm down, saying that they are peaceful.

After that, Diego went to five humanoids, and they gave him a message for humanity. They said that people need to love each other, then the human race is destroyed. They also said that living in this area for 60 years and not far from the village they have a deep underground base.

This database is their ship and they flew to Earth from the planet Orion. It is with the planet, even though people know the same constellation. Then in the night, one of the neighbors Diego in a panic called the police when I saw on the farm high humanoids. And the call came the patrol Manuel Marquez of Velandia, who has 16 years of experience in the police.

"When I arrived at the designated place, there were many people there and everyone was very nervous and shocked. They started to tell me and I started to record audio on your phone. The night was dark and I didn't see anything where were the aliens, except for very high dark silhouettes".

While police heard their voice. He heard how they told me that they are more advanced than human beings and that they want to preserve the gene pool of humanity for the future.

"The voice of these creatures darted from one point to another, as if their owners were jumping in different directions. I failed to write anything, there was a very large interference, like the interference of the magnetic field".

According to Velandia, his fellow cops don't believe him, but he stubbornly says he saw what he saw. humanoids, aliens, Colombia, contact, for the First time, Diego Mondragon saw humanoids when the dogs of his farm began to bark loudly in the night and looked in the direction of the pen in the chickens.

"I went to check what happened, I thought that there is some kind of animal. However, I ran into the man in black taller than 2 meters, and on his chest was the image of a bright star. This man at the sight of me immediately jumped into the river, and then began to jump through the paddocks. At this point I realized that it was something from another world, no man could jump and if it jumped, rasshiblas to death".

At this, Diego, for all seven years of observation in Guatemala aliens, I've never seen a UFO. Other residents also saw only humanoids.

"They can jump to great heights. From one end of the pasture easily skipped to another" — told the villagers.

One of the farmers named Guillermo Osorio owns the mill and he said once these beings came to him and ... asked him for water. Other people say that I've never seen aliens, but I believe those who saw. Here all trust each other. This case in 2013, became interested in the UFO Christian Ramos of society "Contacto Ovni Colombia" and he said he has also seen these humanoids, when I came here.

"One of them stood about 200 yards from me. The height is about 230 cm, dressed in black clothes, black headgear like a helmet and black boots. He stood not straight, and swaying left to right and looked straight at me and I looked at him," says Ramos.

Police and journalists have since interviewed many people in the area Guatimala and many of them told them stories about humanoids who can jump through the roof. And that some people also came in contact with them.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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