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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1565273842
Added Thu, 08/08/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
отель Орфорд
United Kingdom

Last week a completely black UFO appeared somewhere over the area of Orford in Warrington, Cheshire in the North West of England.

These aerial photos were taken by a drone of David Greatorex, who was then nearby Orford. An unidentified flying object was circular and had a intense black color, like he literally absorbed light. However, the object is visible only fractions of a second in the video. This means that the operator probably didn't notice it.

Christopher barrel, the owner of the hotel spoke to the local press:

"As soon as the film was downloaded from the drone, we noticed an amazing phenomenon. This UFO in Orford?"

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

La semaine dernière, un OVNI, d’une couleur parfaitement noire, est apparu quelque part au-dessus du quartier d’Orford dans la ville de Warrington, située dans le comté du Cheshire au Nord-Ouest de l’Angleterre.

Ces images aériennes ont été prises à l’aide d’un drone par David Greatorex qui se trouvait alors à proximité de l’hôtel d’Orford. L’objet volant non identifié possédait une forme circulaire et arborait un noir intense comme s’il absorbait littéralement la lumière. Cependant, l’objet n’est visible qu’une fraction de secondes sur la vidéo. Cela signifie que le caméraman ne l’avait probablement pas remarqué au premier abord.

Christopher Barrel, propriétaire de l’Hôtel d’Orford, s’est exprimé à la presse locale :

« Une fois que le film a été téléchargé à partir du drone, nous avons remarqué un phénomène surprenant. Est-ce un OVNI à Orford ? »

Il n’y a, pour le moment, aucune explication qui puisse expliquer cette présence. Et vous, qu’en pensez-vous ?


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence


Full or partial conversion of coloured images result in over-exposed. If the exposure of the photographic material is excessive and goes beyond the linear section of the characteristic curve of the optical image density becomes inversely proportional to the amount falling on the emulsion of the light. Thus in areas where there is a similar "Peresvet", the optical density the less, the more exposure.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

On the basis of the place of occurrence sveshtarovo object is the brightest point (Sun) is Solarize.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation


Full or partial conversion of coloured images result in over-exposed. If the exposure of the photographic material is excessive and goes beyond the linear section of the characteristic curve of the optical image density becomes inversely proportional to the amount falling on the emulsion of the light. Thus in areas where there is a similar "Peresvet", the optical density the less, the more exposure.

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