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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Norway

ID #1565886653
Added Thu, 15/08/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
13.07.1986 00:50

In the night from Saturday to Sunday, July 12-13, 1986, a married couple Tova and Thorfinn the Tonning, together with his son Krister and several friends, enjoyed the beautiful Northern summer night. It was on a mountain farm near Torpo in Hallingdal.

Suddenly, at 00: 50, they realized that Mrs. Tonning looking out the window.

She said

Look at the light up there! Now he peredvinuvshis horizon, and moved through two slats in the window!

They all left the house, and Thorfinn the Tonning was finally able to use my camera after having problems with the battery. With the camera mounted on a car roof, he directed the lens to the phenomenon, which was located in the Eastern / North-Eastern direction somewhere in the distance.

In addition to using the camera, they also observed the phenomenon with a pair of 12x binoculars. With it, they could clearly observe are distinguishable parts. The object looked oval from the top and bottom. Three clearly separable round the fire was located in the middle. The object seemed to be lit by three lights that were white and blue.

At the same time, Mr. Tonning noticed some flashing lights coming down to earth from the object. 10 to 12 flashes could be seen in every flash, evenly raspredelenie in time. These flashing resembled the flash. In addition, the object spewed a quick spark of light on each side. This particular phenomenon was especially clearly and distinctly seen.

An important feature concerning the motion of the object is to tilt at an angle of approximately 45°, along with the obvious maneuvering to the side and from witnesses. Moreover, the UPS and downs, more or less combined with a lateral slide, in General, given a complex pattern of movement.

After a while he came down the hill, while allowing both object and part of the landscape to be visible in one and the same place of the video (although it cannot be recognized in subsequent

After a while he rose so abruptly that Mr. Tonning was no longer able to keep up with his camera. Little by little Mr. Tonning realized the presence of the second object as soon as he and his companion were there.

Others saw first. The latter was located just opposite of the first, in Western / South-West direction, and had a stronger (i.e., more saturated color) red-white shade. However, because this object seemed to be at a much greater distance (he was much weaker), the appearance in the video was rather limited duration and quality. This has been observed for a relatively short time, leaving witnesses to examine more closely the first object.

The video lasts about 10 minutes. Actual observation continued until about 3 hours, that is more than two hours. Both objects disappeared at high speed at an angle to the horizon. Before disappearing, the main object was getting smaller and smaller, indicating a gradual withdrawal.

When Mr. Tonning at home replaying the video, he was very excited.

At first, I was disappointed. The image of the phenomena captured by his camera didn't look as impressive as actual observation through binoculars. The camera was equipped with a zoom lens 6x magnification. However, when using a still image, many details become visible again.

The weather conditions were pretty good: Cloud base at an altitude of 1500-2500 meters, varying in extent from 1/8 (almost clear sky) the evening of 12 July to 8/8 (fully overcast) in the morning of 13 July.

Visibility was 75 miles or more.

In early 1987, the video was sent to William Spaulding at Ground Saucer Watch in the USA via Australian ufologist Paul Norman. He said that there were no reference points in the video, and also that there seems to be some slight movement of the "object". The motion is due to camera movement by the photographer.

On one side of the shooting object is partially hidden. This may be due to clouds moving in front of the UFO, and, finally, that the abnormal light strip is estimated as the video exhibits. The dimming of the light is consistent with the weather conditions.

At midnight, the planet Jupiter rose in the East, reaching 19° in See to 03:00. Directly opposite (180°) was the star of Arcturus descending from 32° at midnight to 10° at 03: 00. The apparent magnitude of Jupiter was -2.62, while the apparent magnitude of Arcturus was -0,07.

The report FOTOCAT Report # 4 stated: We believe that all observation is compatible with the appearance of the planet Jupiter (the first object that was filmed on videotape) and Arcturus (the second object observed visually).

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

13 July 1986, 00:50 – Torpo, Ål, Hallingdal The night between Saturday and Sunday, July 12-13, 1986, the married couple Tova and Torfinn Tonning, together with their son Christer and some friends, were enjoying the fine Nordic summer night. The location was the Breiset Mountain Farm near Torpo in Hallingdal. Suddenly, at 00:50, they realized that Mrs. Tonning was staring out the window, and asked why she was so astonished. She said: Look at the light up there! Now it has ascended from the horizon and moved across two crossbars in the window! They all moved outside the house, and Torfinn Tonning could finally use his video camera after having battery problems. With the camera fixed on the car roof, he directed the lens towards the phenomenon, which was located in an east/northeast direction somewhere in the distance. In addition to using the camera they also had the time to observe the phenomenon with a pair of 12x binoculars. With it, they could observe clearly discernible details. The object looked oval at the top and bottom. Three clearly separable circular lights were situated in the middle. The object appeared to be illuminated by the three lights, which had a blue-white color. Simultaneously, Mr. Tonning observed some flashes of light coming downwards to the ground from the object. 10 to 12 flashes could be seen in each burst, evenly distributed in time. These blinks resembled those of a flashgun. Furthermore, the object spewed out rapid sparks of light on each side; this particular phenomenon being especially clear and distinct. An important feature regarding the object’s movement, is the tilting at an angle of approximately 45° (with both sides alternately shifting position), together with the apparent maneuvering towards and away from the witnesses. Moreover, ups and downs, more or less combined with sideway sliding, altogether gave a complicated pattern of movement. After some time, it descended to a hill, permitting both the object and parts of the landscape to be visible in the same video frame (although this feature couldn’t be recognized in the subsequent analysis). After a short while it ascended so abruptly that Mr. Tonning was unable to keep pace with his camera. Gradually, Mr. Tonning became aware of a second object just as he and the others were observing the first one. The latter was located just opposite the first, in a west/southwest direction, and had a stronger (i.e. more color-saturated) red-white hue. However, because this object seemed to be at a much greater distance (it was considerably fainter), the appearance on the video was of a rather limited duration and quality. It was observed for a relatively short time, leaving the witnesses to study the first object more closely. The video film lasts for about 10 minutes. The actual observation lasted to around 3 o’clock, i.e. for more than two hours. Both objects disappeared at a great speed at an angle to the horizon. Before disappearing, the main object became smaller and smaller, thus indicating a gradual withdrawal along the line of sight. When Mr. Tonning replayed the videotape on his recorder at home, he was rather disappointed at first. The image of the phenomena captured by his camera didn’t appear quite as impressive as the actual observation through binoculars. The video camera was equipped with a zoom lens with 6x magnification. However, when using the recorder’s stationary image option, many of the details became visible again. Weather conditions were fairly good; a cloud base at 1,500-2,500 meters, varying in extent from 1/8 (almost clear sky) during the evening of July 12th to 8/8 (completely overcast) on the morning of July 13th. Visibility was 75 km or more. Early in 1987, the video was sent to William Spaulding’s Ground Saucer Watch, in the United States, via Australian ufologist Paul Norman. GSW reported that there were no reference points in the video and also that there appears to be little ‘object’ movement. The motion is attributable to camera movement caused by the photographer. At one portion of the filming the ‘object’ is partially obscured. This could be attributable to clouds moving in front of the ‘UFO’, and finally that the anomalous light streak is evaluated as a video artifact. The obscuring of the light is consistent with the weather conditions. At midnight, the planet Jupiter was rising in the east, reaching 19° in the SE by 03:00. Directly opposite (180°) was the star Arcturus, descending from 32° at midnight to 10° at 03:00. The apparent magnitude of Jupiter was -2.62, while the apparent magnitude of Arcturus was -0.07. We consider the whole sighting to be compatible with the apparition of the planet Jupiter (the first object, the object filmed on the videotape) and Arcturus (the second object, observed visually only).


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

The heavenly bodies

The brightest heavenly bodies in the sky are Venus, Jupiter, and sometimes Mars and, of course, the Moon.

Venus is the bright yellow of the evening or morning star, shining in the sky on the background of evening or dawn. Maximum brightness of Venus can reach up to 4.3 m, and she is the third brightness of the sun in earth's sky after the sun and the moon. It so well reflects the light of the Sun that it is relatively easy to see and day, especially if you know the location. It manifests itself in the form of tiny blinking white dots.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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