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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Ghost. Belarus

ID #1569510179
Added Thu, 26/09/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

Here is a case which occurred in 1989 2 may from Vitebsk Olga L:

"On the way to the cottage I heard rustling, at first not paying attention to him. And suddenly on the place where he heard originated someone, in General a similar shape to a human, and at the same time is clearly not human.

His head was circled twice in red circles, which were still and nevertheless gave the impression of flowing light. He went to the high side of a Bush, disappearing from view. However, ten minutes later I saw him again – is extremely high, about five meters."

At the dacha of Olga L. again witnessed the SECOND and came in close contact with some sentient being, the more I talk about this to your readers in a forthcoming publication.

"Back to the garden again noticed "the unbearable brilliance." Began again for planting potatoes, suddenly heard deep breathing "like a human". Heard from a bucket standing nearby, someone picks up the potatoes, you can hear breathing, but you can't see – blinding Shine.

Taking everything that happens in some kind of a hoax, scolded "the Joker", calling it Kio (was it touring).

In response suddenly "heard" - not the voice, as it sounded in my head: "I am not Kio, I am not Kio, I – man."

Asked that he was not bound to and does not interfere with work. In response, giggling. Got self a shovel, was it to be turned, holding her at arm's length. Spade suddenly strangely slipped from his hands, flew to the side, not down, but horizontally (like an arrow) and fell, it reached 1 meter to "Shine."

"Gloss" see, something more luminous, but to see anything was impossible. I left my job. Suddenly, behind again heard breathing, footsteps, but to defend did not. Back felt like the touch of ice (dressed in a swimsuit). Drew back all over, it was a feeling that touched a block of ice... was Again to blame Kio.

Again I heard in my head the angry response: "I am not Kio, I told you, I'm a man!".

Nerves could not stand – I cried. Again, "voice": "don't cry, don't cry." Immediately calmed down. It's all gone.

10 minutes later felt a "silver rays" on the back. Metal bra clasp was burning the skin. A lot of "rays" came around. Began to "crawl" all over the body on the ground nearby. When he tried to grab them along with the earth, there was a (loud!) a loud laughter: "ha ha Ha!"

Then I hid among the stacks of folded brick. Was afraid that the "sparkle" will get here, but that didn't happen. After 10-15 minutes came out and saw him passing along the road. The stranger had walked on for a distance of 300 meters, when, thinking that he had not seen his face, shouted: "Hey!"

He turned half around, raising his left hand, and the eyes again slashed "the unbearable brilliance"

(Olga L., 1989, Vitebsk).


In one of the materials has got the following details about this figure:

"...After 10 minutes came out and saw him go on the road... the height of the figure was at least 5 meters, and maybe more. It was very similar to the one seen 2 may. Instead of the head – light, transparent frosted glass dome, a long hoodie, kholyavkina when walking, it seems that the figure is even more subtle than it seemed at first glance, the back color is dark green, long arms to the "CNT" that were on the legs below the hoodie."


The literature on UFOs, has repeatedly been cases of impact on the environment: scorched bushes, scorched grass, the trampled grass, the indentations on the ground, variation of the isotopic composition of the soil, changing microbiological environment oily stains, puddles of some fluid, anomalies with the passage of time, etc., anomalous phenomena in places hovering objects above the ground or landings. Clear descriptions of such phenomena in the UFO on the territory of Belarus are not marked, possibly due to the carelessness of witnesses.

The most interesting testimony in this regard recorded by Olga L. may 15, 1989, in a place where there was a humanoid figure.

In one place it was a "puddle of liquid palm-sized light beige color", in the second place – "like a puddle, but this time the reddish color in the round recess, with a volume of about 1.5 liters" (1989, Vitebsk)

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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