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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Ghost. Belarus

ID #1571988964
Added Fri, 25/10/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

Judging by editorial mail, the interest of our readers to UFOs is undiminished. What is it? – ask readers. Is a natural phenomenon or really aliens? An attempt to answer this question the authors do offer to your attention article. I think our readers will be interested to learn that Kostrykin Valeriy and Konstantin Morozov were members of the first Belarusian expedition to the mysterious "M-sky triangle", about which our newspaper said in January this year in the essay "Perm crossroads."

Why the UFO phenomenon leaves us no chance for a solution? Why "the voice outside" in no hurry to reveal to humanity the soul wide open, and most of the "contactees", like to learn something extra prepared for it an asylum.

French researcher Jacques Vallee introduced to define the UFO phenomenon, the concept of "meta-logic", a logic that is inaccessible to man.

Maybe we need to look at the problem not from the "bird's eye view"? Space is not only vast universe with billions of suns. Space – we ourselves, our thinking, our consciousness, by which we "sculpt" the world. Which is not that other, as a reflection of our worldly ideas about life, about nature, about the cosmos. Not just the reflection in the mirror, and... warped our minds. In this case, it should be "Wonderland" into which we discover the mystery of UFOs.

"Wonderland" is By-The-Way-Our-Consciousness.

Maybe its not the best of thoughts, his rough business, we are doing harm not the living beings who levitated at a distance in millions of light years, and those who live with us side by side in parallel worlds. And just as we need to SIP the clean air...

Reasoning about parallel worlds, but we are not ruling out the cosmic mind, CC.

Slowly burning out the fire in a Midsummer night polnicka boys laid on the high hill. The fun ended – drowsy children ran from house to house, and the young couple went to seek protected "paparats-Kvetka". Over Polykemi silence such that it was heard flowing at the foot of the hill bystrovany Volavka.

The fire left four owls – older guys who decided to wait for morning fishing in Volovka that in Novogrudok district, still found the Royal fish – trout.

On the tops of the trees the hill-side villages "bald", with the other sides surrounded by a forest swept by a heavy wind. God knows whence undertaken. Like the chain broke... the Fire, which was extinguished, broke out with renewed vigor, as alive.

Suddenly there was a roar. According to an eyewitness, "like the tanks in the woods were".

And then – the guys didn't believe my eyes – in the forest was a bright glow, and at the edge there was "something white, above the man, but without a head." The word, Ghost.

The object was closer to the fire. While in the fire as if someone had stuff a handful of metal shavings – it started to sparkle.

Guys – nailed, paralyzed. But the next minute, without feeling under itself feet, they were flying through the ruts and bumps to the village, covered by utter fear.

This story may seem to some to be a fairy tale, born in the Midsummer night. Moreover, since then much water has flowed in Volovka. Two guys who were the eyewitnesses of a glowing "Ghost" serve in the army now...

But the incident that happened this spring, before Easter.

Vasiliy Ivanovich Makarevich, a resident of the village of Suliatichi near Polykemi, returning home late in the evening. It was quiet. And suddenly a strong wind blew. Also, by the way, it appeared out of nowhere. Was bending the tops of the trees that grew along the road.

Near Vasily Ivanovich "grew" from the ground (or fell from the sky!) three figures, dressed in identical shiny coats. Dark people can not see the head pulled the hoods. One to two meters, after a few steps, turned and haymaking melted away like mist. The other two that the smaller one ("...so, the feet, the shoulder I"), conducted by Vasily Ivanovich to the gate. Even asked: "Where are you going?" Aloud or just a thought flew in the head, Vasily Ivanovich remembers. Remember that only said "Home". Opened the gate, looked around – no one... Such a bad luck.

Can we consider the emergence of a strong wind immediately before the supervision of AE (anomalous phenomena) a Fluke? As we know from physics, wind is the flow of air from the denser layers of the atmosphere to less dense, and the force of the wind depends on the density difference between the inhomogeneities. From this we can say that before the advent of the above-described anomalous phenomena were observed in the air wave. How could she be? To this question you can give multiple answers, but common to them is one thing – to create such a wave need energy, and, judging by the descriptions of eyewitnesses, is quite large. If we discard the unlikely assumptions about the coincidence, we can say that the excess energy that are "dumped" into the atmosphere with the appearance of AYA. We give a simple example. So, according to eyewitnesses, aliens takes a few seconds to move over large distances, and this means that they probably needed the protective energy shell. At the end of the movement of this sheath disintegrates and turns our atmosphere into wind energy. If we assume that when moving to overcome the vacuum of space, then the decay of this energy shell in its place creates a vacuum and the air rushing in there would generate wind and wave sound (roar, thunder).

Therefore, the appearance of a white glowing object, "without a head" can be considered an abnormal occurrence. Because, as an anomaly, it has a great energy, natural sources of which we do not know. The assumption that it was ball lightning, it is unlikely. First, such a complex (cylindrical) shape of ball lightning is not found in nature. Secondly, the energy of ball lightning is several orders of magnitude lower. It is unlikely that she will stick to the tops of trees and produce such a strong sound ("like the tanks in the woods were"). So the version of ball lightning is logically eliminated. And the second case is even more convinces us that we are dealing with "alien forces".

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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