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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Circles on the field and other formations. Spain

ID #1574697263
Added Mon, 25/11/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
09.1966 14:00

Jean Soler and several of his friends went camping in an isolated area when Soler decided to bring a little bit of water in the nearest Creek. When he crossed some fields, he noticed a strange object that seemed to have been on the ground in the clearance area nearby.

When he approached the object he noticed that it was elongated in the form of a white cylinder. This device with a length of about six meters and a length of about five feet, was roughly in the shape of a bullet or torpedo and rested on two rectangular supports.

He saw two fires on the object that seemed to have faded when he got closer. On top of the object he could see two separate transparent domes, separated from each other by about 3 meters. They were open and he could see what seemed to be black leather seats inside. Suddenly, from behind the object appeared two men.

These two wore shiny white outfits that covered them from head to toe and helmets with transparent visors. Their costumes seemed a little bloated. The men moved as if they were tired or sat. They looked at the witness with a surprised expression.

He called them high (about 1.85 m) with Eurasian features, with blond hair, blue eyes and light tanned skin.

At this point, a farmer approached the place from the nearby field (it was later established that he was the owner of the field). Using his instincts, Soler decided to run away from this area. Quickly walking past the men, looking back, he saw them sit on a strange ship, which silently surfaced and began to pursue Soler.

Looking back, he could see two transparent cabins and each of them a seated figure staring back at him. Running on the track (and the ship was behind it) Soler suddenly felt an electric shock in the body causing severe pain in the right side of the head, neck and back.Stunned he stopped, feeling embarrassed, stopped and asked that the ship left him alone.

Glancing again, he saw two men who appeared to exchange a signal between them, and at that moment the ship rose at an angle of 90 degrees, away in the pine forest, uttering loud buzzing sound.

He was quickly lost from sight behind a nearby mountain.

Later, when he returned to the landing place, Soler found some traces.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Jean Soler and several friends had been out camping in an isolated area when Soler decided to go fetch some water at a nearby stream. As he crossed some fields he noticed a bizarre object that appeared to be on the ground in a clearing area not to far away. As he approached the object he noticed that it was a white elongated cylinder shaped contraption, about six meters in length and about 1 meter & a half in height, it was roughly shaped like a bullet or torpedo and rested on two rectangular supports. He saw two lights on the object that seemed to dim as he approached. On top of the object he could see two transparent individual domes separated from each other by about 3 meters. These were opened and he could see what appeared to be black leather like seats inside. Suddenly, from behind the object two men appeared. These two wore shiny white outfits that covered them from head to toe, and helmets with transparent visors. Their suits appeared to be slightly inflated. The men moved as if they were tired or had been sitting for a long time. They stared at the witness with a surprised look on their faces. He described them as tall, about 1.85meters in height, Eurasian features, blond haired, blue eyes, and light tanned skin. At this point a farmer was approaching the scene from a nearby field (it was later determined that he was the owner of the fields). Using his instincts Soler decides to run from the area brushing quickly past the men, looking back he saw them boarding the strange craft which floated up silently and began following Soler. Looking back he could see the two transparent cabins and in each of one, a seated figure staring at him. Running down a path, with the craft closely behind him, Soler suddenly felt an electric shock in his body, causing him a severe pain on the right side of the head, neck, and back. Stunned he stopped, feeling confused, he stopped and begged for the craft to go on and leave him alone. Looking up one more time he saw the two men again which seemed to exchanged a signal between them, at this point the craft rose up at a 90 degree angle shooting away to the nearby pine forest emitting a loud buzzing sound. It was quickly lost from sight behind a nearby mountain. Later when he returned to the site of the landing, Soler found some footprints and other ground traces.


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