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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Thailand

ID #1591692481
Added Tue, 09/06/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

This video was posted to Instagram.

Pinkish rays of the setting sun falling on the outer hull. During sunset the hidden UFO can suddenly become visible for a few minutes. Here you can see one big ship in a huge white cloud. He believed that it was invisible to the human eye, but the angle of the setting sun makes it visible.

Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Date of sighting: June 4, 2020
Location of sighting: Bangkok, Thailand 

This was posted on Instagram and its really amazing. It shows a cloaked UFO over Bangkok. The UFO is halfway out of the cloud. The pinkish colors are the setting sun rays hitting the outer hull of the ship. During sunset, UFOs that are cloaked can suddenly become visible for a few minutes. What you see here is one single large craft with a huge white cloud it made below it. It believed it was invisible to the human eye, however the setting suns angle causes this craft to become visible. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Радуга и радужные облака

Rainbow - atmospheric optical and meteorological phenomenon that is observed under illumination by a bright source of light (natural Sun or Moon) set of water droplets (rain or fog). Rainbow looks like a multicolored arc or circle composed of the colors of the spectrum of visible radiation (from outer edge: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, Indigo, violet).


Rocket launches (from space.skyrocket.de)

  • Site: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Eastern Test Range, Cape Canaveral, Florida (USA) Vehicle: Falcon-9 v1.2 (Block 5) Payload: Starlink v1.0 L7-1 (Starlink 1440) Starlink v1.0 L7-2 (Starlink 1441) Starlink v1.0 L7-3 (Starlink 1442) Starlink v1.0 L7-4 (Starlink 1443) Starlink v1.0 L7-5 (Starlink 1444) Starlink v1.0 L7-6 (Starlink 1445) Starlink v1.0 L7-7 (Starlink 1446) Starlink v1.0 L7-8 (Starlink 1447) Starlink v1.0 L7-9 (Starlink 1448) Starlink v1.0 L7-10 (Starlink 1449) Starlink v1.0 L7-11 (Starlink 1450) Starlink v1.0 L7-12 (Starlink 1451) Starlink v1.0 L7-13 (Starlink 1452) Starlink v1.0 L7-14 (Starlink 1453) Starlink v1.0 L7-15 (Starlink 1454) Starlink v1.0 L7-16 (Starlink 1455) Starlink v1.0 L7-17 (Starlink 1456) Starlink v1.0 L7-18 (Starlink 1457) Starlink v1.0 L7-19 (Starlink 1458) Starlink v1.0 L7-20 (Starlink 1460) Starlink v1.0 L7-21 (Starlink 1392) Starlink v1.0 L7-22 (Starlink 1393) Starlink v1.0 L7-23 (Starlink 1394) Starlink v1.0 L7-24 (Starlink 1395) Starlink v1.0 L7-25 (Starlink 1396) Starlink v1.0 L7-26 (Starlink 1397) Starlink v1.0 L7-27 (Starlink 1399) Starlink v1.0 L7-28 (Starlink 1401) Starlink v1.0 L7-29 (Starlink 1402) Starlink v1.0 L7-30 (Starlink 1404) Starlink v1.0 L7-31 (Starlink 1406) Starlink v1.0 L7-32 (Starlink 1408) Starlink v1.0 L7-33 (Starlink 1413) Starlink v1.0 L7-34 (Starlink 1414) Starlink v1.0 L7-35 (Starlink 1415) Starlink v1.0 L7-36 (Starlink 1416) Starlink v1.0 L7-37 (Starlink 1417) Starlink v1.0 L7-38 (Starlink 1419) Starlink v1.0 L7-39 (Starlink 1420) Starlink v1.0 L7-40 (Starlink 1422) Starlink v1.0 L7-41 (Starlink 1351) Starlink v1.0 L7-42 (Starlink 1370) Starlink v1.0 L7-43 (Starlink 1398) Starlink v1.0 L7-44 (Starlink 1400) Starlink v1.0 L7-45 (Starlink 1403) Starlink v1.0 L7-46 (Starlink 1405) Starlink v1.0 L7-47 (Starlink 1407) Starlink v1.0 L7-48 (Starlink 1409) Starlink v1.0 L7-49 (Starlink 1410) Starlink v1.0 L7-50 (Starlink 1411) Starlink v1.0 L7-51 (Starlink 1412) Starlink v1.0 L7-52 (Starlink 1418) Starlink v1.0 L7-53 (Starlink 1421) Starlink v1.0 L7-54 (Starlink 1423) Starlink v1.0 L7-55 (Starlink 1433) Starlink v1.0 L7-56 (Starlink 1434) Starlink v1.0 L7-57 (Starlink 1436) Starlink v1.0 L7-58 (Starlink 1437) Starlink v1.0 L7-59 (Starlink 1438) Starlink v1.0 L7-60 (Starlink 1439)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

The most likely hypothesis, based on appearance, is "rainbow cloud." It is a rare and beautiful atmospheric phenomenon.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation

Радуга и радужные облака

Rainbow - atmospheric optical and meteorological phenomenon that is observed under illumination by a bright source of light (natural Sun or Moon) set of water droplets (rain or fog). Rainbow looks like a multicolored arc or circle composed of the colors of the spectrum of visible radiation (from outer edge: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, Indigo, violet).

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