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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Circles on the field and other formations. Chile

ID #1598892952
Added Mon, 31/08/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Нубле Valparaíso

The bright light coming through the window woke Mr. X, his wife, and their two daughters. 

They saw a UFO hovering over the beach 200 feet (60.9 m) away. It had the shape of an octahedron, with a dome at the top and three pillars, as well as two types of antennas and several portholes. It was 15-20 feet (4.5-6 m) in diameter and almost the same height. It looked metallic and had an intense sky-blue glow. 

This object, oscillating down, landed on the beach 200 feet (60.9 m) from the house of witnesses. A light beam came out of it, and "3 humanoid aspect beings descended from this light beam." They were about six and a half feet (1.98 m) tall and wore dark blue suits that covered their entire bodies, including their arms and legs. On their chests was a metal emblem. 

Each placed 10 tubes in the sand. Then they collected all the black rocks that can be found on the beach, and then they picked up their tubes and re-entered the apparatus, which rose diagonally with vibrations, and then very quickly disappeared. 

Duration of observation is 30-40 minutes. 

Mr. X's watch stopped "between 04: 00 and 04: 38". As an obvious consequence of the observation, " the skin of the witnesses was covered with a kind of scales, which disappeared after 3 days." 

Holes with a diameter of 6 feet (4.5 m) were found in the sand) and 10 feet (3 m) deep, left by the entities "tubes", as well as a circular area 6 feet (4.5 m) in diameter, "where the sand seemed to soak in", which disappeared after 3 days.

Original news

Date: February 1969
Location: Nuble Valparaiso Chile
Time: 0400A
Summary: An intense light coming in the window awakened Mr. X and his wife, and their 2 daughters. They got to see a UFO hovering over the beach, 200 ft away. It had the shape of an octahedron, with a cupola on top and with 3 legs, also 2 kinds of antennas and several portholes. It was 15-20 ft in diameter and almost equally high; it looked metallic and was of an intense sky-blue luminosity. This object, descending with oscillation, landed on the beach 200 ft from the witness house. A luminous ray came from it, and “3 beings of humanoid aspect descended by this luminous ray.” They were about 6 ½ ft tall, dressed in dark blue suits that covered the whole body, including hands and feet; on their chests was a metallic emblem. Each placed 10 tubes in the sand; then they collected all the black stones to be found on the beach; then they picked up their tubes and re-entered the craft, which rose diagonally with oscillations and then went off very fast. The duration of the observation was 30-40 minutes. Mr. X’s watch stopped “between 0400A and 0438A”. As an apparent consequence of the observation, “the skin of the witnesses became covered with a sort of scales, which disappeared after 3 days”. In the sand were found holes 6’ in diameter and 10’ deep, left by the entities “tubes”; also a circular zone 6 ft in diameter, “where the sand seemed to have been absorbed.”
Source: Elena Marino, LDLN # 111


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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