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The mystical fog. Russia

ID #1600251261
Added Wed, 16/09/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
02.08.1972 12:15
река Вятка
Kirovskaya oblast

Lidia Nikolaevna Smirnova, a biology teacher, and her husband were vacationing in this area and went to the Bank of Vyatka to swim. 

While her husband was swimming, she sat on the Bank of the river, sunbathing in the sun. Suddenly her husband started shouting at her, and she jumped up and tried to run to him, but at that moment a dense gray cloud completely enveloped her, and she felt herself rising into the air. 

The ascent lasted about 2 minutes, and then some force pushed Lydia into the chair (she was obviously already inside some object). She could not move her arms or legs, as they seemed to be chained (!). At last the misty cloud cleared, and Lydia found herself in a large dome-shaped room. 

At the top of the room, she saw Windows or portholes arranged in the shape of a cross. In the center of the room, she saw a four-sided column made of a material resembling marble. The sides of the column were divided by squares, and their outlines radiated light. 

Smirnova's attention was drawn to a black square in which she saw "earth" or something similar to Arabic characters or numbers illuminated in green light. The floor of the room was covered with a gray material that radiated heat. 

Then Lydia saw a two-meter-tall "man", very thin with a dark face, with piercing, penetrating dark eyes set in deep sockets.

The stranger had very long arms and a bizarre pair of hair that reached to the back of his head - his thick long black hair couldn't hide his huge ears. Lydia noticed that he had unusual fingers with four "phalanges". 

When the alien noticed Lydia's startled look, he seemed to smile cheerfully.

The man was wearing a dark blue suit and a black shirt. On his feet were strange boots, like felt boots, cut off at the top. The man was working on something near a narrow table with a lot of tools behind it. 

There was a large screen behind the table where Lydia could see the familiar scene of the Magadan hills where she used to live. Another nine smaller screens were placed on the side wall. 

"Where am I?" she asked as calmly as possible. 

Then the humanoid turned a switch or knob and on one of the nine screens Lydia saw in large Russian letters:

"Be calm and keep quiet. We will not harm you." 

And then she read a text that said they came from another galaxy, or rather, from a planet called OIMIZI, a name that can be translated into earth language as "We and you".

"Don't lie to me," Lydia said suddenly. Immediately return me to my native Soviet Union!"

But the alien ignored her demands. The long, armed alien was busy, still working at the control panel, and didn't seem to hear her request. 

Then she read on the screen:

"You will answer our questions, and then we will return you back to Earth." 

Lydia was stunned, she was still paralyzed, bound by invisible handcuffs on her arms and legs, and at the same time she believed and did not believe what was happening. But she decided (brought up patriotically on Communist ideals) that if these" foreigners " tortured her, she would die as Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya or as the great Komsomol Hero of the great Patriotic war against the German fascists and would never reveal anything about her and the country. 

Then the screen asked dispassionately:

"State your last name, first name, patronymic." 

Smirnova considered the question and answered. Other questions were asked that were innocuous, which she answered. 

For example:

"Do you like buckwheat with milk or do you prefer dumplings?" (Siberian dumplings) or "How do you feel when you drink sour milk"? Etc.

Then, without changing the subject, the screen informed Lydia that they came from the" fifth "galaxy, and that Earth was in the"fourth" galaxy. This intelligent life in the other 10 galaxies is based on carbon (protein), but is at different levels of development. 

Then the screen asked:

"How do you people explain the origin of life on Earth?" Confused and not knowing what to say, Lydia began to chatter about Darwin's theories and suddenly asked herself: "Who is God?"Then the screen answered: "You people are our creation. We created you after collecting original material from several other galaxies. We are experimenting." 

She read a very complex mathematical theory of creation that she couldn't understand. And then she read on the screen:

"The word God is a code, in earthly words it roughly means" Blessed is he who gave harmony." 

In General, the aliens continued, " God is a supermind or supermind. There are other Universes, but there is only one Supermind."

Summoning all her courage, Lydia turned to the screen:

"What energy do you use to travel such vast distances in space?"

The answer came quickly:

"In just a few earth hours. We use the energy of substances that you people don't know. These substances are deposited inside the Earth at very great depths. They are found deep underground in several areas: in the South-West of Australia, in the Rocky mountains in America, South Africa, and on the Verkhoyansk range in Yakutia."

 "Why aren't you afraid to tell me this information?"  Lydia asked, still thinking that she was at the center of some American brainwashing plot. 

Then she read on the screen:

"You humans must live for thousands of years before you can reach the places where these substances are found. In General, you do not know what is inside the bowels of the Earth. You can drill deep holes in the earth's core, but you still don't know what's inside. Any mistake can destroy your civilization. If we think it's necessary, we'll help you. In the meantime, you continue to surprise us with your aggressiveness. We who created you did not expect this behavior."

Then Lydia asked:

"Is there life on Mars?"

Then she read on the screen:

"Life on Mars existed once, in ancient times. But when the planet collided with an asteroid, it was destroyed. Under the layers of molten stones, you can find the remains of soil and ash. On the planet Mars, there was water in various combinations."

Then the long-armed alien, using the screen as a medium, proposed to Lydia:

"Do you want to see our planet?" 

"Of course," Lydia replied immediately.

The next thing she knew, she saw an image of a large alien city on the screen. The city had identical 3-storey buildings. Many of its residents stood in the wide streets. Public transport was reminiscent of the strange "cabins or wagons". On the lawns, she saw bright flowers and strange bright green trees. 

The young aliens wore shorts, and the old aliens wore light suits. Then the long-armed alien pressed a lever, and a deep chair with various tools appeared. The invisible handcuffs around her legs and arms disappeared, and an invisible force led her to a new chair.

And in the blink of an eye, something seemed to "click" in her head, and she imagined the image of her friend Lilia Yashina, who died in 1958 in the Magadan region under mysterious circumstances after witnessing a UFO, resulting in very severe pain in her back and head. 

Then the image of Lily disappeared, and Lydia began to cry, as in 1958, when she was a child, begging the aliens not to " remove anything from her brain." Then the tall alien grabbed a device and spoke a few words clearly in his native language. 

At the same time, a hatch opened in the floor of the ship, and two other aliens climbed into the room from somewhere below. Both men were fair-haired, with beautiful eyes, and very similar in appearance, almost like twins. They were dressed in cherry-colored suits and looked very much like people, except that they had very pale white faces, although with pink cheeks. 

With a kind look at Lydia, the two new aliens began to reproach the armed humanoid (!). 

Then one of them pointed a long green tube at Lydia, and she saw herself naked on the screen. The aliens then showed her the places on her skin where viruses had appeared and multiplied. 

Then the other blond twin went down the hatch and brought a flat plate or saucer in his hands. On the plate Lydia saw a substance that looked like cottage cheese. Then the blond man took an ordinary knife and divided the "curd" into four parts. Then they ate their part and on one of them then handed their part to Lydia and the screen said:

"Eat it. It would cure you."

At first Smirnova was afraid to eat, but then she swallowed. The substance had a very pleasant taste, unlike anything on Earth.

The long-armed humanoid then placed a hood that resembled a motorcycle helmet on Lydia's head. And in the next moment, Lydia was again enveloped in a strange fog. Lydia felt as if the rug had been yanked out from under her feet. 

She looked around and saw a forest, and on the other side of the highway with a lot of cars. Several people were standing at the bus stop nearby. 

Lydia came up to them and asked:

"Something happened to me, where am I?"

Those present explained to her that she was located 12 km from the city of Novosibirsk in Western Siberia, thousands of kilometers from the place where she was initially "taken away". 

Someone gave her money, and she came to the city, where she immediately contacted the local police. To her amazement they believed her story, called the village Batim and talked to her husband. Then she was sent back to where her husband was, the journey took 3 days. 

Apparently, her husband saw a flying saucer over Lydia and watched it being sucked into a wide tube inside the UFO. More precisely, the UFO looked more like a rotating sphere or a ball with spokes on top. 

After the abduction, Lydia suffered from headaches for a long time, but then they left. Her shingles were gone, too. Apparently the aliens cured her. 

But her husband, who was standing next to the UFO, was apparently exposed to radiation, became ill, and eventually died.

Smirnova saw UFOs three more times, the last time in 2000.

Original news

Date: August 2 1972
Location:  Banks of Vyatka River, Botym, Nolinskiy area, Kirov region, Russia
Time: 1215pm
Summary: Lydia Nikolayevna Smirnova, a biology teacher and her husband were vacationing
in the area and had gone to the banks of the River Vyatka to have a swim. While her husband swam, she sat on the river bank, tanning under the rays of the sun.Suddenly her husband began yelling something at her, so she jumped up and tried to run towards him but at that same moment a dense gray cloud enveloped her completely and she felt herself rising into the air. The ascend lasted about 2 minutes and then some force pushed Lydia into an armchair (she was obviously already inside some type of object). She could not move her arms or legs since they appeared to be chained or manacled (!). Finally the misty cloud dissolved and Lydia found herself in a large dome-shaped room. In the upper section of the room she saw window or portholes, positioned in a cross shape. In the center of the room she saw a tetrahedral column, made of material resembling marble. The sides of the column were separated by squares and their contours emitted light. Smirnova’s attention was focused on a black square in which she saw “terrestrial” or what appeared to be Arabic symbols or figures, lighted by a green light. The floor of the room wascovered by a gray material that emanated warm heat. Lydia then saw a 2 meter tall“man” very thin of a swarthy complexion, with piercing penetrating dark eyes,placed within deep sockets. The stranger had very long arms and a bizarre pair ofears that stretched to the back of his head—-his dense long black hair could not hidehis huge ears. Lydia noticed that he had unusual fingers which had four“phalanxes”. When the alien noticed Lydia’s astounded glance he seemed to grin inamusement. The man was dressed in a dark blue suit and a black shirt. On his feethe wore strange boots, resembling felt boots, cutoff at the top. The man was workingon something near a narrow table which contained numerous instruments. Behindthe table there was a large screen on which Lydia saw a familiar scene that of theMagadan hills where she used to live previously. Nine other smaller screens werepositioned on a side wall. “Where I am?” she asked as calmed as she could. Thehumanoid then turned a switch or handle and on one of the nine screens Lydia sawin large Russian letters, “Behave yourself and be quiet. We will not harm you”. Andnext she read the text saying that they had come from another galaxy, more specifica planet called OYMIZI, the name which could be translated to the terrestriallanguage as “We and you”. She was then “told” that in general there were ten othergalaxies in which intelligent life was present (it was not very clear to her).
“Don’t lie to me”, suddenly said Lydia, “You are Americans! Immediately returnme to my native Soviet Union!” But the alien ignored her demands. The long armedalien was busy and kept working near the control panel, and seemingly didn’t hearher request. She then read on the screen, “You will answer our questions, and thenwe will return you back to Earth”. Lydia was stunned, she was still paralyzed,chained by her hands and legs by invisible handcuffs and she believed and didn’tbelieve what was happening at the same time. But she decided, (being brought up patriotically with Communist ideals) that if these “foreigners” tortured her she would die as a “Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya” or like a great Komsomol Hero of theGreat Patriotic war against the German fascists and never reveal anything about her country. The screen then impassively asked, “Give your surname, name and patronymic”. Smirnova pondered the question and answered. Other questions were given which were inoffensive and harmless which she answered. For example, “Do you like buckwheat with milk or prefer pelmeni? (A Siberian meat dumpling) or“What do you feel when you drink sour milk”? Etc. Then, without any transition to another topic, the screen informed Lydia that they had arrived from the “fifth”galaxy while Earth was in the “fourth” one. That intelligent life on the other 10 galaxies was carbon based (albumen) but at different levels of development. The screen then asked, “How do you humans explain the origin of life on Earth?”Confused and not knowing what to say, Lydia began to babble something about Darwin’s theories and suddenly asked herself, “Who is God?” The screen then answered, “You, humans are our creation. We created you, after we gathered original material from several other galaxies. We experiment with the races”. Nextshe read what appeared to be a very complicated mathematical theory on creation
which she could not understand. And then she read of the screen, “The word God—is the code, in terrestrial words it means approximately ‘Blessed is who gave out harmony”. In genera, continued the aliens, “God is the super mind or superintelligence. There are other Universes, but there is only one Super Mind.”Gathering all her courage Lydia then addressed the screen, “What kind of energy do you use to overcome such huge distances in space?” The answer followed quickly, “During only several earthly hours. We use the energy of substances, which you, humans do not know. These substances are deposited inside Earth, at very tremendous depths. They are deep under the surface in several areas, Southwest Australia, Rocky Mountains in America, South Africa and the Verhoyanskiy Mountain ridge in Yakutiya. “And why are you not afraid of telling me this information?” asked Lydia still thinking that she was in the midst of some type of American mind washing plot. She then read on the screen, “You humans must live for thousands of more years before you will be able to get to the places in which these substances are imbedded. In general you do not know what is inside the bowels of the Earth. You may drill deep holes into the earth core but still not know what is inside; any mistake might destroy your civilization. If we think is necessary we will help you. But in the meantime you continue to amaze us by your aggressiveness. We who created you did not expect such behavior.”
Lydian then asked, “Is there life on Mars?” And she then read on the screen “Life on Mars existed once upon a time, in ancient times. But when the planet collided with an asteroid it was wiped out. The remnants of soil and ash can be found underthe layers of melted stones. Planet Mars had water in various combinations.”Then the long armed alien, using the screen as a medium proposed to Lydia,“Would you like to see our planet?” “Sure, I do” replied Lydia immediately. In thenext moment she saw an image of a large alien city on the screen. The city hadidentical 3 storied buildings. Many of its inhabitants stood on broad streets. Thepublic transport resembled strange “cabins or wagons”. She saw bright flowers andstrange bright green trees on the lawns. Young aliens wore shorts, and the olderaliens wore light colored suits. Then the long armed alien pressed a lever and Lydiasaw a deep armchair with various instruments appear. The invisible handcuffsaround her legs and arms vanished and an invisible force led her to the newarmchair. And in a moment something seemed to “click” inside her head and Lydiasaw the image of a female friend, Lilia Yashina who had died in 1958 in theMagadan area under mysterious circumstances after witnessing a UFO, in whichshe suffered a very strong pain in the back of her head. The image of Lilia thenvanished and Lydia began to cry as she did when she was a child in 1958, beggingthe aliens not to “remove anything from her brain”. The tall alien then grabbed ashiny device and distinctly pronounced several words in his own language. At thatsame moment a hatch opened on the floor of the craft and two other alien menclimbed up to the room from somewhere below. Both men were blond haired, witheyes and beautiful features, and very similar in appearance almost like twins. Theywere dressed in cherry colored suits and were very similar to humans except thatthey had white very pale faces, though with pink cheeks. Looking at Lydia in a kindmanner the two new aliens began to reproach the long armed humanoid (!). One ofthem then pointed a long green tube at Lydia and she then saw herself naked on thescreen. Then the aliens show her places on her skin where viruses have appearedand procreated. The other blond twin then descended down the hatch and broughtback with him a flat plate or saucer in his hands. On the plate Lydia saw asubstance similar to cottage cheese. The blond then took an ordinary knife andseparated the “cottage cheese” into four parts. They then ate their part and on oneof them then stretched her part to Lydia and on the screen it read, “Eat this. Thiswould cure you”.
At first Smirnova was afraid to eat it but then she swallowed it. The substance had a very pleasant taste, dissimilar to anything on Earth. Then the long-armed humanoid placed a cowl on Lydia’s head resembling a motorcycle helmet. And in the next moment Lydia was again enveloped in a strange mist or fog. It seemed for Lydia as if the “rug” had been pulled from under her feet. She looked around her and saw a forest, and the other side a highway with many cars. Nearby several people stood on a bus stop. Lydia walked over to them and asked, “Something had happened to me, where I am?” Those present explained to her that she was 12km from the city of Novosibirsk in western Siberia, thousands of kilometers from where she had been originally “taken”. Someone gave her money and she arrived to the city where she immediately contacted the local Militia. To her amazement they believed her story and they called the village of Botym and spoke to her husband. She was then sent back to where her husband was, the journey took 3 days. Apparently her husband had seen the flying saucer hovering over Lydia and watched her being sucked up into a broad pipe inside the UFO. To be more exact the UFO looked more like a rotating sphere or globe with spokes on top of it. After her abduction Lydia suffered from headaches for a long time, but then they went away. Her shingles also disappeared forever. Apparently the aliens had cured her. But her husband who had stood close to the UFO apparently was exposed to some kind of radiation, became sickly and eventually died. Smirnova saw UFOs three more times, the last one in 2000.
Source:“Lessons onboard a Saucer” by Vladimir Konstantinov in: “Secretnye Isslendovaniya” (The Secret Researchers) scientific popular magazine, Ukraine # 7


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Rocket launches (from

  • Site: Baikonur (Tyuratam, NIIP-5, GIK-5), Tyuratam (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Voskhod Payload: Kosmos 513 (Zenit-4M #40, Rotor #40)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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