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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Land creatures. United States

ID #1604576550
Added Thu, 05/11/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
21.08.1978 22:30
Минерва, OH
United States

Evelyn Clayton's family and friends were out on the porch when they heard a noise coming from the old chicken coop to the right of the house. Then they saw two pairs of yellow eyes that seemed to reflect the porch light. 

Scott Patterson walked over to his car and turned on the headlights, hoping to get a better look. They could now see that their eyes were focused on two "Cougar-type" feline animals. 

Then the group saw what looked like a large, two-legged, hairy creature step in front of the big cats, as if to protect them. Then the creature moved toward Patterson's car. 

Witnesses fled to the house and called the Sheriff's office. A two-legged creature appeared at the kitchen window, waiting for the deputies. Patterson then pointed a .22-caliber pistol at him, and Evelyn Clayton loaded a cartridge into a .22-caliber rifle. 

The creature stood outside the window for about ten minutes. They decided that they wouldn't shoot it if the creature didn't get close to them. 

He suddenly left without hurting anyone. 

A strong smell resembling "ammonia sulfur" remained in the area long after the creature disappeared.

Original news

Date: August 21 1978
Location:  Near Minerva Ohio
Time:  2230
Summary:  Evelyn Clayton’s family and friends were out on the front porch when they heard noises coming from the direction of an old chicken coop just to the right of the house. They then saw two pairs of yellow that seemed to be reflecting a porch light. Scott Patterson went to his car and turned the headlights on in hopes of getting a better look. Now they could see that the eyes were on what appeared to be two “cougar type” felines. Then the group saw what looked like a large bipedal hairy creature step in front of the large cats as if to protect them. This creature then proceeded to lurch towards the Patterson’s car. The witnesses fled to the house and called the sheriff’s office. While waiting for the deputies, the bipedal creature appeared at the kitchen window. Patterson then pointed a 22-caliber pistol at it, while Evelyn Clayton loaded a .22 caliber rifle. The creature stood outside the window for close to ten minutes. They decided they would not shoot it unless the creature made any advances toward them. It suddenly left without harming anyone. A strong stench resembling ‘ammonia sulfur” remained in the area long after the creature was gone.
Source:  Ron Schaffner


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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