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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Chronoanomalia. New Zealand

ID #1605868393
Added Fri, 20/11/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
New Zealand

The witness, known as Miss Nobatae, worked as a cleaner of tomatoes on a plantation located near Auckland.

The plantation owners had a small pyramid made of plywood that they used for recreational purposes. (This was a fashion fad in New Zealand). There was always a sofa located at one-third of its height.

Inside such a pyramid, owners / users spent time intended for recreation. They'd go or just taking a NAP.

During one of the lunch breaks Miss Nobuki decided to lie down in the pyramid. From there, it was teleported to the deck of a UFO that hovered at a great distance from the Ground.

The first part of her hypnotic memory described the experience she had during the telekinetic flight from the pyramid to the UFO, including the cold tingling sensation caused by the telekinetic absorption of heat from her body, and the sensation of impact when her body hit and penetrated the shell of the UFO. Her transportation onto the deck of the UFO occurred with the aid of the telekinetic transporting beam. She was then subjected to an undisclosed genetic “experiment” followed by various medical tests and examinations.

Later, Ms. Nobocy was invited for a small tour of the car. Her guide, whom she described as taller than usual and with very light thin hair that was almost transparent, had a long face with pale skin and there was something strange in his eyes. He was wearing a sort of coverall, which he allowed the witness to touch; it appeared to be a one-piece suit made of very fine fabric.

She was shown all the important compartments of the UFO, including the bridge, navigation compartment, and so on. One of the rooms she visited was a sort of recreation room, where she was shown a three-dimensional film about “where people are currently going with their savage barbarity." This film mainly focused on showing her the various tools that people have invented over the centuries to kill each other, and illustrating to her the possible consequences of using the nuclear weapons currently accumulated by humans.

She was also shown a separate room that could be called an " incubator”, where there were numerous shelves completely filled with large transparent cylinders connected to devices that mimic the organs of mothers, apparently used for growing or creating human-like copies.

After completing the tour, Miss Nosbokai was returned to earth through a process that she could only describe as moving back in time. She could not explain how she had returned to the pyramid of rest. She felt that she had spent much more time on Board the UFO than she had on her return.

Original news

Date: December 1980
Location: Near Auckland, New Zealand
Time: evening
Summary: The witness, known as Miss Nosbocaj was employed as a tomato harvester on a plantation located near Auckland. The owners of the plantation had a small pyramid made of plywood, which they used for recreational purposes. (This was a fashionable fad in New Zealand). There was always a sofa placed at one third of its height. Inside such a pyramid the owners/users spend time designated for resting. They would lie down or simply take a nap. During one of her lunch breaks Miss Nosbocaj decided to lie down in the pyramid. From there she was beamed up onto the deck of a UFO, which hovered at a great distance from Earth. The first part of her hypnotic recall described the impression she had during the telekinetic flight from the pyramid to the UFO, including the cold tingling resulting from the telekinetic absorption of heat from her body, and the feeling of an impact when her body bumped and penetrated the shell of the UFO. Her transportation onto the deck of the UFO occurred with the aid of the telekinetic transporting beam. She was then subjected to an undisclosed genetic “experiment” followed by various medical tests and examination. Later Miss Nosbocaj was invited to a brief tour around the vehicle. Her guide, which she described as taller than normal, and with very blond fine hair, which was almost see through, he had a long face, with pale skin and there was something strange about his eyes. He wore a sort of overall, which he let the witness touch, it appeared to be a one piece outfit made out of very fine cloth. She was shown all the important compartments of the UFO including the bridge, the navigation compartment etc. One of the halls visited was a type of recreation room where she was shown a three-dimensional film about, “where humans currently go with their untamed barbarism”. This film mainly concentrated on showing her various tools that people throughout the ages invented for killing each other, and to illustrate to her the possible consequences of using the nuclear weapons accumulated presently by humans. She was also shown a separate hall, which could be called an “incubatory” which contained numerous shelves entirely loaded with large transparent cylinders connected to devices that imitate organs of mothers, apparently used to grow or create human-like replicas. After the tour was finished Miss Nosbocaj was returned to earth by a process that she was only able to describe as moving back in time. She could not explain how she got back to the recreational pyramid. She felt she spend a longer period of time onboard the UFO than it felt like as she returned.
Source: Jan Pajak


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

The state of sleep and dreams

Sleep is a natural physiological process of stay in a condition with minimal level of brain activity and reduced reaction to the world around us.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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