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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Parallel world. Puerto Rico

ID #1608568671
Added Mon, 21/12/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
07.1991 21:20
Puerto Rico

The witness went to bed, but it was difficult for him to sleep, he felt restless and restless. Then he felt a presence in his room and opened his eyes to find two short, thin humanoids standing next to him, described as having somewhat disfigured facial features, two small nose holes, and wide, thin lips. 

Both creatures stared at the witness. The witness was frightened and tried to move, but now he was completely paralyzed. Then the beings communicated by using telepathy assuring the witness that he will not be harmed. 

Then one of the creatures began to examine the body of the witness from head to toe, gently touching many parts of the body. The witness noticed that the creature's hands were very thin, with only three fingers and a thin yellow membrane between them. Then one of the creatures touched the witness's forehead, and he suddenly felt very lethargic and lost consciousness.

Later, he woke up to find himself lying naked on a hard transparent table. The witness felt calm and could look around; he noticed that some kind of smoke or steam was slowly rising from the floor. 

A few moments later, two short, thin creatures appeared and examined him again. Then he was dressed in thin, tight-fitting transparent clothes and lost consciousness again. 

Later, he woke up in another room, this time standing up, but he couldn't move. The same smoke that continued to rise from the floor covered the room. Suddenly, a very tall creature in a long dark flowing robe appeared. The robe covered him from head to neck. The creature then went back to the witness, apparently trying to hide his face for some unknown reason. 

He stood next to the witness and performed a full brain scan without communicating with him. The witness was then transferred to another room, where he met a tall human being with fair skin, light hair, bright blue eyes, wearing a white suit and high white boots. The creature was friendly and more open with the witness. 

The witness was eventually released, and two short humanoids carried him back to bed.

Original news

Date: July 1991
Location: Puerto Rico, exact location not given
Time: 2120
Summary: The witness had gone to bed but was having problems falling sleep, feeling edgy and apprehensive. He then felt a presence in his room and opened his eyes, standing next to him were two short thin humanoids, described as having somewhat disfigured facial features, two small holes for a nose and wide thin lips. Both beings stared intently at the witness. The witness became frightened and attempted to move but was now completely paralyzed. The beings then communicated by using telepathy, assuring the witness that he was not going to be harmed. One of the beings then proceeded to examine the witness body form head to toe, gently touching many parts of the body. The witness noticed that the beings hands were very thin with only three fingers and a thin yellow membrane in between them. One of the beings then touched the witness forehead and he suddenly felt very lethargic and lost consciousness. Later he awoke to find himself lying naked on a hard transparent table. The witness felt calm and was able to look around; he noticed some type of smoke or vapor rising slowly from the floor. Moments later two short thin beings appeared and again examined him. He was then dressed in a thin close fitting transparent outfit and was rendered unconscious again. Later he woke up in a different room, this time standing but unable to move. The same smoke that continued to rise from the floor covered the room. Suddenly a very tall being wearing a long dark flowing robe appeared. The robe covered him from feet to neck. The being then walked backwards towards the witness, apparently in an attempt to conceal his face for some unknown reason. He stood next to the witness and performed a complete brain scan on him, without communicating with him. The witness was then taken to another room where he met a tall human-like being with light skin, blond hair, bright blue eyes and wearing a white outfit and tall white boots. The being was friendly and communicated in a more open manner with the witness. The witness was eventually released and taken back to his bed by the two short humanoids.
Source:  Alfredo Colon Torres, Enigma # 72


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