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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Parallel world. Australia

ID #1608821495
Added Thu, 24/12/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

The 63-year-old woman was lying in bed in the countryside when the creature suddenly appeared. In the blink of an eye, she was in a large blue room. Bright light seemed to penetrate the ceiling. Gravity seemed normal. 

4 creatures were visible. Their height was 180 cm. Each had small oval heads and an intelligent look. The eyes were almond-shaped, tapering upward at the end. They had small mouths, thin lips with a small nose. The skin was pale, pearly, and soft to the touch. On her hands, she noticed 4 long thin fingers, but did not know if there was a thumb or not. 

Small boots covered small feet. They were wearing blue-gray coveralls, and they didn't have any zippers, badges, or insignia. They moved gracefully, almost gliding. 

She was on a clear glass table, without feeling cold or warm. In total, she saw 3 tables in this area. It is examined with thin pencil-like lanterns, with a lantern at one end. They pressed against different parts of her body.

2 creatures communicated with her telepathically. One was a man, the other a woman. She doesn't remember leaving the room, but then she was back in her bed.

Original news

Location. New South Wales, Australia
Date: 1991
Time: night
The 63-year old woman was lying in bed in a rural area, when suddenly a being appeared. In a blink of an eye she found herself in a large, blue colored room. Bright light seemed to be coming through the ceiling. Gravity seemed normal. 4 beings were visible. They were described as 180cm tall. Each had small, oval shaped heads, and were intelligent looking. The eyes were almond shaped, tapering upwards at the end. They had small mouths, thin lips with a small nose. The skin was pale, pearly, and soft to touch. On the hands she noticed 4 long, slender fingers but was unsure if there was a thumb or not. Small boots covered the small feet. They wore a jump suit, blue gray in color, and there were no zips, markings, or insignia on them. They moved in a graceful almost gliding like manner. She was on a transparent, glass like table, with no sensation of cold or heat. She saw a total of 3 tables in the area. A being examined her using thin pencil-like torches, with a light on one end. These were held against different parts of her body. 2 of the beings communicated with her telepathically. One was male the other female. She has no recollection leaving the room but next found herself back in her own bed.

Source: Keith Basterfield


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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