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The Alien. Russia

ID #1611400069
Added Sat, 23/01/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Копанское озеро
Leningradskaya oblast

Three drivers Yuri Vasilyevich M., Sergey Yuryevich T. and Alexander Viktorovich G. went fishing in an area about 130 km from Leningrad, 40 km from the city of Sosnovy Bor, where the nuclear power plant is located.

Suddenly, Alexander Viktorovich saw a UFO flying overhead, then they all noticed a strange white object in the sky, 3-4 times larger than the largest star. The object seemed to be moving in their direction when it suddenly made a sharp jump to the left or east and continued flying. 

After looking at the object for about 15 minutes, the witness lost interest and ignored it. After some time, after having lunch and setting up camp, Yuri Vasilyevich went to the forest to look for firewood.

It was already dark, and when he walked about 40-50 meters along the lake shore and about 8-10 meters into the forest, he suddenly noticed a flat disc-shaped object landing about 30-40 meters away. 

The object was a "beautiful" round shape, with windows around the perimeter of the widest section, and made of dark material. A soft, opaque light shone from the windows. He began to study the object and did not notice any hatches or doors on it. Its surface was completely smooth, although there were visible dents. Yuri Vasilyevich did not feel fear and looked at the object without moving for about 15-20 seconds.

He thought about calling his two friends, but changed his mind, not wanting to scare them. When Yuri Vasilyevich looked to the left of the object, he noticed a moving figure, like a shadow, walking towards the back of the object. Then he noticed a second figure on the starboard side of the ship, he also noticed a third figure standing between the first and second. 

He thought they were leaving, and he was a little worried, but not afraid. He thought that maybe he could catch one of the "aliens" and put him in his car, but then gave up on the idea. The aliens moved slowly, making no sound (the ship was also silent). When one of the aliens was about 10 meters away from the witness, he shouted at them, friendly caring for them and indicating that he did not want to cause harm.

The figures approached in silence. The two of them finally got very close to him. The aliens were generally similar to humans, but not completely. Their mouths were tightly closed, their lips were not visible, their heads were well-proportioned, with no visible hair, and their commanding faces expressed a stern concentration. The aliens were dressed in tight-fitting gray outfits. The third alien stood to one side.

The witness then saw a flash similar to a flashbulb. The witness then felt pressure in his head and heard a voice in his brain. 

The voice was unpleasant, hoarse, and metallic in quality, as it spoke:

"What are you doing here?"

He replied that he was on a fishing trip with his friends. 

"Do you want to come with us?" the voice said. 

He thought about it and was tempted, but then the voice said:

"You're not coming back. We need to know what your internal structure is."

The witness then declined the offer and shook his head. Then a strange voice said menacingly and imperiously:

"If you start a nuclear war, we will destroy you (humanity?)."

Then the witness said (hopefully) that the humans wouldn't start a nuclear war. At that moment, the witness heard a loud buzzing sound that resembled a high-voltage wire. 

A few moments later, the witness was startled to see a huge shaggy humanoid figure about 3-4 meters in height with a head resembling a monkey. He was standing over the witness, a little above the trees. Then he remembered the alien figures suddenly moving away from him and disappearing into the trees.

He didn't notice them entering their ship, but the object was slowly and silently rising, and before leaving it, it emitted a bright flash of light, illuminating the area around it. When the ship rose about 4 meters, it suddenly disappeared.

Apparently, a huge hairy humanoid (like Bigfoot) also left with the aliens.

Original news

Three drivers from the Leningrad auto park, Yuriy Vasilievich M, Sergey Yurevich T, and Alexander Viktorovich G. had gone driving on a fishing trip at a location about 130km from Leningrad, 40 km from the town of Sosnovy Bor where a nuclear plant is located.

Suddenly G saw a UFO flying overhead, all of them then noticed a strange white object in the sky, 3-4 times larger than the biggest star. The object seemed to be moving in their direction when it suddenly made a sharp jump to the left, or to east, and continued flying. After looking at the object for about 15 minutes the witness lost interest and ignored it. Some time later after having dinner and setting up camp M. went into the woods to look for firewood.

It was already dark and as he walked about 40 to 50 meters along the shore of the lake and about 8-10m into the woods, he suddenly noticed a landed flat disc-shaped object about 30-40 meters from him. The object was “beautiful” round shaped, with windows around it broadest section, and made out of a dark material. Soft matt light emanated from the windows. M. began studying the object and noticed neither hatches nor doors on it; its surface was absolutely smooth, though some indentations were visible. M. felt no fear and stared at the object without moving for about 15-20 seconds.

He thought of calling his two friends, but thought better of it not wanting to frighten them. When M. looked to the left of the object he noticed a moving figure like a shadow, walking towards the back of the object. Then he noticed a second figure on the right side of the craft he also noticed a third figure standing between the first and the second one. He thought that they were leaving and became somewhat concerned but not scared. He thought maybe that he could catch one of the “aliens” and put it in his car, but then discarded the idea. The aliens moved slowly making no sounds (the craft was also soundless). When one of the aliens was about 10 meters from the witness, he yelled at them making friendly advances and pointing out that he meant no harm.

The figures approached in silence. Two of them finally came very close to him. The aliens were generally human looking but not completely. Their mouths were tightly closed, no lips were visible, with a proportional head, with no visible hair, and their imperious faces expressed severe concentration. The aliens were dressed in tight-fitting gray-colored outfits. A third alien stood aside.

The witness then saw a flash, like a photoflash. Next the witness felt pressure in his head and heard a voice in his brain. The voice was unpleasant, raspy, and metallic in quality, it said, “What are you doing here” He answered that he had come on a fishing expedition with his friends. “Would you like to come with us?” Said the voice next. He thought about it, and was tempted but then the voice said, “You will not return. We need to know what your inner structure is” The witness then declined the offer and shook his head. Then the alien voice said threatening and imperiously, “If you start a nuclear war we will destroy you” (humanity?).

The witness then said (hopefully) that humans would not start a nuclear war. At this point the witness heard a loud buzzing sound, resembling a high voltage wire. Moments later the witness was terrified to see a huge shaggy humanoid figure about 3-4 meters in height, its head resembling that of an ape. It stood above the witness, a little higher than the trees. He then remembered seeing the alien figures moved suddenly away from him, disappearing behind the trees.

He didn’t noticed how they entered their ship, but the object slowly and silently ascended, and before leaving it emitted a bright flash of light the illuminated the area around it. When the craft rose up to about 4 meters it suddenly disappeared. Apparently the huge hairy humanoid (Bigfoot type) also left with the aliens.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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