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Mysterious substance. Russia

ID #1611584063
Added Mon, 25/01/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Primorskiy kray

According to Valery Dvuzhilny, who is leading the investigation of the case, the servicemen of the Soviet Navy saw how the glowing object fell into the sea off the coast of the Far East. A Navy officer told Dvuzhilny that the recovery operation was immediately launched, and the device, described as egg-shaped, about 6 meters long, was retrieved from the seabed by divers and brought ashore.

They tried to penetrate the device with an oxygen-acetylene flame, but to no avail. The naval officer told Valery that the object was subsequently transported to Vladivostok, and then to Moscow. 

According to researcher Anton Anfalov, the object on the side had the appearance of a lenticular or convex lens, matte gray in color, with a small, non-protruding smooth dome on top, connected to the rest of the body, and a wide, low cylindrical base . Six oval structures, like dark portholes, surrounded the lower part of the object, but nothing could be seen through them. The lower part and one side of the object were damaged, and a thin curved crack was found on its side.

Then the object, covered with a tarpaulin, was loaded onto a railway platform and transported to the east of Moscow to the Central Research Institute of Materials Science for detailed study. 

In the lab, the research team was puzzling over how to get inside the object. We tried strong drills, including diamond crowns, gas slurries, etc., but nothing helped, the body seemed indestructible. Finally, they focused on a crack on the side of the object and widened it with a laser. It took a long time to melt a 1x1 m hole on the surface of the object. The body was four-layered.

In 20 days, they made a hole large enough to allow the research team to get inside the object. The men were wearing protective suits and gas masks. 

The facility consisted of 3 levels: the engine room at the bottom, the main power plant with the reactor, which apparently self-destructed or was destroyed by the explosion, and the main control room, which was on the 2nd level. The control room had a screen, a semicircular control panel with multicolored rectangular buttons measuring 2 x 5 cm, and 4 small seats in front. 

It was later determined that the cylinder with the domed top in the center was a holographic projector. The upper part was like an attic, apparently with an airlock for docking with the base ship.

On the second level, 3 or 4 alien bodies were found, all dead, two bodies were found sitting on chairs and the other on the floor. The aliens were about 1.3-1.5 m tall, two were identical, and the third was slightly taller, about 1.6-1.7 m. They had large, hairless, helmeted heads, six-fingered limbs and skin of a gray-brown color, large round eyes covered with black lenses, and small ears adapted to the head. They were dressed in tight and very strong suits of metallic silver color with a purple tint, with belts and something like round circles (engravings?) on the chest. They also wore elbow-length gloves. 

With extreme difficulty, they took off their suits, as well as silver-green boots and gloves. One body was significantly damaged as a result of the heavy impact.

Under conditions of extreme secrecy, all the bodies were taken to the top-secret alien biological research laboratory northeast of Solnechnogorsk (in an underground bunker) by only four officers. The alien blood was a thick, black liquid. 

Later, the object was transported to a mountain above the Arctic Circle on Novaya Zemlya Island, the safest state test site No. 6 in the Arctic, apparently along with most of the other crashed UFOs in the USSR and former satellites. In the end, the bodies of the aliens were also brought there. 

Perhaps later it was established that the place of appearance of the aliens is Zeta-1 Reticuli (a double star in the constellation Grid).

Original news

According to Valeriy Dvuzhilnyi who was investigating the case, Soviet Navy personnel observed a glowing object enter the sea off the coast of the Dalniy Vostok area. A naval officer disclosed to Dvuzhilnyi that a recovery operation was immediately initiated and a device described as egg-shaped and about 6 meters long, was retrieved from the seabed by divers and brought ashore.

They attempted to penetrate the device with an oxyacetylene flame but without results. The naval officer informed Valeriy that the object was later transported to Vladivostok and then to Moscow. According to researcher Anton Anfalov the object on its side resembled a lenticular or convex-lens-shaped, matt gray in color, with a slight, not jutting gradual dome on top connected with the rest of the hull and a broad, not high cylindrical base. 6 oval structures, like dark portholes encircled the lower part of the object but nothing could be seen through them. The bottom section and one side of the object were damaged and a thin curved crack was found on its side.

Then the object, covered by tarpaulin was loaded upon a railway platform and transported to the east of Moscow to the Central Material Research Institute for a detailed study. In the laboratory the research team was puzzled on how to penetrate inside the object. They tried strong drills, including diamond bits, gas cuttings, etc, but nothing helped, the hull seemed indestructible. Finally they concentrated on the crack on the object’s side and expanded it by using laser. It took a long time to melt a 1x1m sized hole on the object’s surface. The hull appeared to consist of four layers.

In 20 days they made a hole big enough that enabled the research team to penetrate inside the object. The men wore protective suits and gas masks. The object consisted of 3 levels: engine compartment on the bottom section, the main power plant with a reactor which apparently self-destructed or was destroyed by an explosion and the main control room that was on the 2nd level. The control room had a screen, a control panel positioned in semicircle, which had multicolored rectangular key-shaped buttons 2 x 5 cm in size, and 4 small chairs in front. The identity of a dome topped cylinder in the center was later established to have been a holographic projector. The top section was like a garret, apparently air locked to dock with a mother ship.

3 or 4 alien bodies were found on the second level, all dead, two bodies were found sitting on chairs the other was found on the floor. The aliens were about 1.3 – 1.5m in height, two were identical but the third was slightly taller, about 1.6-1.7 m. They had large hairless heads encased in helmets, 6 fingered extremities, and gray-brown colored skin, large round eyes, which were covered with black eye lenses, small ears adjusted to their heads. They were dressed in tight-fitting and very sturdy metallic silver colored suits with a violet tint, with belts and what appeared to be round circles (engravings?) on their chest area. They also wore elbow length gloves. The suits were removed with extreme difficulty, and also the silver-greenish boots and gloves. One body was substantially damaged apparently by the hard impact.

In extreme secrecy, all the bodies were taken to a top-secret alien biological research laboratory NE of Solnechnogorsk (into an underground bunker) by four officers only. The alien blood turned out to be a thick black liquid (shades of the X-files). The object was later transported inside a mountain beyond the Polar Circle on Novaya Zemlya Island, the most secure State Test Range # 6 in the Arctic apparently together with most the other crashed UFOs in the USSR and former satellites. Eventually the alien bodies were eventually brought there also. The origin of the disk was possibly later established to have been Zeta-1 Reticuli.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

There is probably an error in the description. In different places, the year is indicated differently: on "Alien Liaison : The Ultimate Secret-Contact has been established" 1992 edition, and on -1991.

Probably, the X-Files was inspired by this case in the part of the description "the blood of the aliens turned out to be a thick black liquid".

Piper Maru

The X-Files (3.15)

TV Show Episode|1996

A French salvage ship searching for a lost WWII fighter plane unknowingly surfaces an alien which appears in the form of black oil and has the ability to jump hosts. Mulder heads to Hong Kong to investigate the salvage broker who sold the information to the French and he encounters Krycek, who has been selling information from the MJ documents.


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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