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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Circles on the field and other formations. Russia

ID #1613133162
Added Fri, 12/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

The witness Natalia Shishkina was awakened by a strong sound, like a helicopter or tractor hovering over the small wooden house in which she slept while she temporarily lived with her grandmother. The sound was more like the sound of agricultural machinery, but more muffled. 

She looked out the window and saw a silver object descending from the sky, resembling a barrel from the "big belly". The object was emitting bright rainbow lights. The barrel-shaped object landed gently on the ground. Then there was a clicking sound, and the witness suddenly went into a half-asleep, half-awake state. 

A small woman suddenly appeared out of nowhere. The woman was below average height and was wearing a silver skin-tight suit. She had very long, light brown hair. The strange woman seemed to have changed her appearance several times. She had unusually large eyes, and was very kind and intelligent. She exuded a lot of energy and kindness. 

Filled with emotion, Natalia began to cry as she looked at the alien woman. Then the alien woman began to communicate telepathically with Natalia. Natalia asked where she was from.

The answer was: "from the first planet beyond the Sun, if you wanted to know where we live." 

The woman also said that only fair-haired creatures live there, that they are very kind and intelligent. Their planet has always been warm, in contrast to the Land. They immensely enjoyed her planet and took care of her. On this planet, all dark shades or colors (dark hair, etc.) were missing. After that, the woman noted that it is very cold here, but in two days it will become warmer. 

Natalia asked the woman how they managed to fly under the Sun without getting burned by its huge temperatures. At that moment, she heard the clicking sound again and heard the question:

"Would you like to come with us?» But the alien woman then added rather ominously: "But in order for this to happen, you must die physically, according to your earthly ideas. Where we live, there is no one like you with dark hair, but you will be happy on our planet." 

She added:

"You will be human again on our planet."

Natalia agreed with her (!) and the alien woman began to stroke her hair on the back, saying:

"What beautiful hair!»

Natalia had tears in her eyes, but she felt very good and calm, as if she was in the hands of a loving mother. 

Further, Natalia realized that the aliens were very intelligent, full of wisdom and did not possess greed or aggressiveness. But we have something that they did not have (it is not clear what). Soon Natalia thought of her mother, and after that the click was heard again in her head, the alien woman said goodbye, wished her all the best, and hurried back to the landed UFO approaching the object at an unusually fast pace. 

After she entered the object, it began to rotate around its axis and disappeared in full view of everyone. 

At this moment, Natalia seemed to come out of a trance, her eyes were still wet, tears were flowing from her eyes. At first, she thought it was all a dream, but soon realized that the event was real. The branches of a nearby plum tree were broken at the top, near where the barrel had landed. 

Her brother, who was sleeping in the next room, also heard the sound of the engine, but could not wake up from a deep sleep. 

2 days after contact, the cold temperature seemed to rise in the village and it became very warm. Natalia's hair for a whole year has acquired a beautiful look without the use of shampoos and conditioners. Everyone she knew admired her hair. But her teeth began to fall out, and her immune system became weaker, as if she was suffering from radiation poisoning. She also began to have prophetic dreams.

Original news

Date: Spring 1990
Location:  Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine
Time: early morning
Summary: The female witness, Natalya Shishkina was awakened by a strong sound, resembling that of a helicopter or tractor hovering over the small wooded house where she was sleeping, while she lived temporarily in her grandmother’s property. The sound was more like that of farm equipment but more muffled. She looked out the window and saw a silver object, descending from the sky resembling a “big belly” barrel. The object gave off bright rainbow-colored lights. The barrel-shaped object landed softly on the ground. Then a clicking sound was heard, and the witness suddenly went into a semi-sleep, semi-awake state. Nearby a small woman suddenly appeared out of nowhere. The woman was shorter than of average height, and was dressed in a silvery tight-fitting suit. She had very long hair, light brown in color. The strange woman seemed to change her appearance on several occasions. She had unusually large eyes, very kind and clever looking. They emanated much energy and kindness. Filled with emotion Natalya began to cry while she stared at the alien woman. The alien woman then began to communicate with Natalya telepathically. Natalya asked where she was from; the answer was, “from the first planet beyond the Sun if where we live”. The woman further stated that only the blond entities lived there, that they were very kind and intelligent. They always had warm conditions in their planet, unlike the earth. They enjoyed their planet immensely and took care of it. All the dark shades or colors were absent in that planet (dark hair, etc). After that the woman commented that it was very cold here but that it would get warmer in two days. Natalya asked the woman how they managed to fly by the sun without getting burned by its immense temperatures. At this point she heard the clicking sound once more and heard the question, “Would you like to fly with us? But the alien woman then added quite ominously, “But for that to happen, you must die physically, according to your terrestrial notions. We have no one like you where we live, with dark hair, but you will feel good in our planet.” She added, “You will again become a human being in our planet”. Natalya agreed with her (!) and the alien woman began to caress her hair on the back, saying, “What beautiful hair” Natalya had tears in her eyes, but felt very good and calm, as if she was in the hands of a loving mother. Natalya further understood that the aliens were very intelligent, full of wisdom and lacked greed or aggressiveness. But we have something, which they did not possess (it is not clear what). Soon Natalya thought about her mother and after that the clicking sound was heard in her head again, the alien woman then bade her goodbye and wished her well and hurried back to the landed UFO approaching the object in an unusually quick pace. After she entered the object it began to rotate around its axis and vanished in plain sight. At this point Natalya seemed to snap out of a trance, her eyes were still wet, tears still streaming from her eyes. At first she thought it had been all a dream but soon realized that the event had been real. The branches of a nearby plum tree appeared broken on top, near where the barrel had landed. Her brother sleeping in the next room had also heard the engine sound, but was unable to awake from a deep sleep. 2 days after the contact, the cold temperatures seemed to lift from the village and became very warm. Natalya’s hair acquired a beautiful appearance for a whole year without using any shampoos or conditioners. All of her acquaintances were amazed at her hair. But her teeth began to fall out, and her immune system became weaker, as if she had been suffering from radiation poisoning. She also began to experience prophetic dreams.
Source:  Anton Anfalov, quoting “Interesnaya Gazeta” Kiev # 12


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