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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Circles on the field and other formations. Russia

ID #1613411955
Added Mon, 15/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
28.03.1990 15:00
Krasnoyarskiy kray

A local resident who lives on the shore of the lake, said that on this day he witnessed a strange episode. He went out of the house for a moment and looked at the forest on the opposite side of the lake, where he saw bright green lights near the willows.

Focusing his eyes, he noticed that it was a round object that was emitting a bright beam of green light. There were several such objects, and many short figures seemed to be very busy around them. One of the objects hovered over the top of the trees, but then descended to the ground. 

The small figure was dark purple in color, and at times seemed to blend in with the willows. Soon, a rocket-like structure rolled out of Willow Grove, but then rolled back into the bushes.

As an eyewitness noticed, three charmed figures came out of the forest. According to the witness, he had the impression that it was a man, a woman and a child. 

A man and a woman was tall, their heads were on a level with the tops of the trees. To attract the attention of outsiders, the witness lit a box of matches and began to wave it. 

Apparently, the strangers noticed him, and the man began to "applaud", then waved to the witness and went in the direction of the witness, but after a short walk, the man stopped and turned back. 

As the strangers approached the forest, they began to clap their hands, and their size seemed to shrink to the size of the other small humanoids (!) that were still near the green illuminated circular objects. After that, the man took the woman by the hand and began to move in a circle, performing something like a ritual dance. 

The journalists accompanied the witness to the scene and found a thaw about a meter wide and a dent about 70-80 cm deep.

Original news

Location. Uyarki, Krasnoyarsk Kray, Russia
Date: March 28 1990
Time: 1500
A local inhabitant living on the shores of the lake reported witnessing a bizarre episode on this date. He had momentarily left his house and looked at the forest located on the opposite side of the lake, there near the willow trees he saw bright green lights, after focusing his sight he noticed that it was a round object emitting a bright beam of green light. There were several of these objects there and numerous short figures seemed to be very busy around them. One of the objects was hovering above the top of trees but it then descended towards the earth. The little figure was of a dark purplish color and at times seemed to blend in with the willow trees. Soon some type of construction resembling a “rocket” was rolled out of the Willow Grove but immediately was rolled back into the brush. As the witness observed fascinated three figures left the wooded area. According to the witness his impression was that the figures were that of a man, a woman and a child. The man and the woman were huge in stature, their heads located level with the top of the trees. In order to draw the attention of the strangers the witness lit up a box of matches and began to swing it around. Apparently the strangers noticed him and the man began to “applaud”, he then waved at the witness, and began to walk towards the direction of the witness but after a short walk the man stopped and turned back. As the strangers neared the woods they began to clap with their hands and their size seemed to decrease to the size of the other small humanoids (!), which were still located near the green lighted round objects. After this the man took the woman by her hand and began to move around in a circle, performing something like a ritual dance. Journalists accompanied the witness to the site and found thawed patches about a meter in width, and a dent with a depth of about 70-80cm.
Source: S. Strannoye “Maksimikhin Phenomenon” in “Forward” 4-12-1990


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