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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Russia

ID #1613412581
Added Mon, 15/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
04.1990 22:00
Krasnodarskiy kray

N. Bazyleva, a local resident, just put their children to bed and went to the kitchen when I heard shouting outside. She looked out the window and saw two neighborhood girls standing on the porch, shouting and pointing.:

"Mummy, Mummy!» 

The street was very light, almost like daylight, and the girls pointed to the light source, which Bazyleva still not seen. 

She wanted to go out on the balcony to get a better view, but suddenly the balcony door opened and a strange male figure suddenly appeared. His height was about 1.80 m, his hair was dark, and his complexion was sallow (pale). 

For some unknown reason, she felt no fear (apparently caused by some mental influence of the alien). The alien started asking her a few questions, which she quickly answered, and then he asked: 

"Do you agree to go with me to another planet?"

 The witness agreed, but jokingly said that since it was quite heavy, no spacecraft would be able to lift it. He replied:

"We don't need any spaceships, so we'll fly." 

Bazyleva quickly walked to the front room and put on her coat and high boots. The alien then told her to hold on tight to him, hugged her, and they rose into the air and flew off the balcony. 

The witness did not feel the usual flow of air in her hair. Afraid, she looked down and saw only a dark abyss. She then asked the alien to return her, at first the alien said no, that he was taking her away forever, but she begged him, telling him that she had left her young children. Then the alien agreed and brought her home. 

The next morning at work, the witness told this story to colleagues, and surprisingly, one female colleague also admitted that that same night, a strange man also entered her bedroom from the balcony and invited her to fly away with him, but she refused. 

2 days after the incident, Bozyleva overheard a conversation between two women, one of whom told the other that her 7-6-year-old son told her one morning that he was almost "taken" by an alien who entered his room. The little boy called out to his mother, but she didn't wake up.

Original news

Location. Krasnokamensk, Krasnoyarsk region, Siberia, Russia
Date: end of March 1990
Time: 2200
Mrs. N. Bozyleva, a local resident had just put her children to sleep and had gone to the kitchen when she heard screams outside. She looked out the window and noticed two neighbor girls standing on their porch yelling and pointing, “Mommy, Mommy, was that!” It was very light outside, almost like daylight and the girls were pointing at the source of the light that Bozyleva could still not see. She wanted to go to the balcony in order to obtain a better view but suddenly the door of the balcony flung opened and an alien male figure suddenly appeared. His height was about 1.80m, with dark hair and a sallow complexion (pale). For some unknown reason she felt no fear (apparently caused by some type of mental influence from the alien). The alien began asking her several questions, which she promptly answered, next he asked, “Do you agree to fly with me to another planet”? The witness agreed but said jokingly that since she was quite heavy no spaceship would be able to lift her. He answered, “No spaceship is needed, we will fly this way”. Bozyleva quickly went into the anteroom and put on a coat and a pair of high boots. The alien then told her to hold on to him tightly, embraced her and they rose up into the air and flew out the balcony. The witness did not feel the usual flow of air in her hair. Afraid she looked down and all she could see was a dark abyss. She then asked the alien to please return her, at first the alien said no that he was taking her for good, but she pleaded with him, telling him that she had left her young children behind. The alien then agreed and returned her back to her home. The next morning at her job the witness related the story to co-workers and amazingly one female colleague also confessed that that same night, a strange man had also entered her bedroom from the balcony and had invited her to fly out with him, but she refused. 2 days after the incident Mrs. Bozyleva heard some talk between two women and one was saying to the other that her 7 or 6-year old son had told her one morning that he was almost “taken” by an extraterrestrial that entered his room. The little boy was calling for his mother but she would not wake up.
Source: Igor Tsarev, “Trud” Newspaper Moscow


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