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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The mystical fog. Russia

ID #1613477080
Added Tue, 16/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Primorskiy kray

The Fedorov family went on a weekend camping trip with their two children and pitched a tent on the riverbank. The parents put the children to bed and sat down on a log by the fire. 

Soon, they saw a small gray cloud looming over them. Alexey Fyodorov noticed with surprise that the cloud was absolutely motionless. The man stood up, walked over to the cloud, and held out his hand.

Alexey said that after that he found himself in a room full of people in military uniforms. They told him to sit in a chair, fixed some sensors on it, and began the examination. 

The people in the room were talking to him. They told him that they came from the future to conduct experiments related to" penetration " into other worlds. They offered Alexey to stay with them, but the man refused, saying that he had a family to take care of. The men led him to the gray cloud, and he was back in the meadow by the fire. 

When her husband disappeared, Nina Fedorova accidentally looked at the tree next to her and saw a woman sitting on it. The woman had wings on her back and only three toes on her bare feet. 

Nina started screaming in terror, calling for her husband, but he didn't answer. Nina then grabbed a small axe to protect herself, in case the winged creature had hostile intentions. Her screams woke the children, and when they saw a strange figure in the trees, they began to cry and hid behind their mother. 

The winged woman looked at the frightened people without any actions or movements. Shortly before Nina's husband appeared in the meadow, the creature flew into the sky and disappeared.

Original news

Location. Near Lukyanov Ka, Vladivostok region Russia
Date: April 1990
Time: evening
The Fedorov family had gone camping for the weekend with their two children and had put up a tent on the banks of the river. The parents had put their children to sleep and had sat down on a log near the fire. Soon they saw a small gray cloud hanging above them. Aleksey Fedorov was surprised to notice that the cloud was absolutely still. The man stood up, came up to the cloud and reached out his hand to it. Aleksey said that afterwards he found himself in a room full of people in military uniform. They told him to sit down in an armchair, fixed several sensors on him and started the examination. The people in the room were talking to him. They told him that they had come from the future to conduct experiments connected with “penetrations” into other worlds. They offered Aleksey to stay with them, but the man declined, having said he had a family to take care of. The people led him up to the gray cloud and he appeared on the meadow near the fire again. When her husband disappeared, Nina Fedorova incidentally looked at a tree near her and saw a woman sitting in it. The woman had wings on her back, and her bare feet had only three toes. Nina started screaming in horror, calling for her husband, but he would not respond. Nina then grabbed a small ax to defend herself, in case the winged creature had hostile intentions. Her screams woke up the children and when they saw the strange figure in the trees they began to cry and hid behind their mother. The winged woman was looking at the frightened human beings without any action or movement. Shortly before Nina’s husband appeared on the meadow, the creature flew up into the sky and disappeared.
Source: Dina Kuntseva,


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