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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Parallel world. Ukraine

ID #1614955165
Added Fri, 05/03/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

A local resident was returning on foot from a remote village, having walked about 15 km, when he stopped to rest under a birch tree. He sat down, smoked a cigarette, and looked up at the night sky. 

Suddenly, a bright red star caught his attention. It was very large, and at first he thought it was the planet Mars. Suddenly, the "star" began to grow in size right before his eyes. Soon the supposed star turned into a large cylindrical or barrel-shaped object of bright red color. 

A bright beam of light from the object suddenly surrounded the witness. A strange ray enveloped his body, penetrating every cell, and then he was filled with a feeling of unearthly love. 

It was a feeling of complete bliss or ecstasy. He felt weightless now, and as if he were floating, dazed, he almost cried. 

Suddenly, he found himself in an incredibly white room with marble-like columns. He looked around, but saw no one. The room had an oval shape, the columns were arranged in a circle and he was right in the center. His attention was drawn to the patterns painted on the pillars; they looked like unknown ornaments or plants. For some reason, he thought that they were lilies, and imagined what an ornament with lilies intertwined in it would look like. To his surprise, the lilies were suddenly entwined in a pattern. Then he heard a loud male voice behind him:

"Not so bad." 

He turned and saw a man and a woman standing there. They were dressed in ancient robes, the man in white and the woman in purple. Both were tall and very handsome in appearance. 

They are gods, the witness thought.

The humanoids were obviously reading his mind, and both the man and the woman were smiling, and he could hear:

"We are gods just like you."

The alien pointed to an intricate pattern of lilies and said:

"You can also become a God if you really want to."

 Then he pointed to the floor, and the pillars disappeared; now there was a huge "trapdoor"in the floor. The witness came closer and looked inside. There he noticed crowds of people walking, men and women. The people seemed confused and walked aimlessly. They held the children and walked without direction. (Obviously, it was a hologram of aliens, made specifically for observation). 

Suddenly the witness felt the urge to help the unfortunate crowd and shouted at them:

"You're going in the wrong direction, look up, can you hear me, look up"!

 The crowd didn't react. 

"They can't hear us either," the alien said. 

The witness looked up and the columns returned, and he noticed two men with long beards and white clothes sitting on benches along the oval wall. The witness then heard the voice of a man who said:

"You can become one of them. Purify yourself."

But the witness said he had to go back. After that, the two bearded men got up from the bench and walked towards the center of the room. 

The next moment, a huge book appeared out of nowhere on a pedestal in the middle of the room, the bearded men opened the book somewhere in the middle of the book, and one of them began to read in an unfamiliar language. 

The witness listened attentively to the unknown words, but did not understand anything of what was said, and later could not remember anything of what was said.

Original news

Location. Near Kiev, Ukraine
Date: Summer 1995
Time: evening
A local man was returning from an outlying village on foot, about a 15 km walk when he stopped to rest under a birch tree. He sat down smoking a cigarette and looking at the night sky. Suddenly a bright red star caught his attention. It was very large and at first he thought it was the planet Mars. Suddenly the “star” began to grow in size right in front of his eyes. Soon the supposed star turned into a large cylinder or barrel-shaped object, bright red hot in color. A bright beam of light from the object suddenly surrounded the witness. The strange beam enveloped his body penetrating every cell and next a feeling of unearthly love filled him. It was a feeling of complete bliss or ecstasy. He now felt weightless and felt as if he was floating, overwhelmed he almost burst into tears. Suddenly he found himself amid an incredibly white room with columns resembling marble. He looked around but could not see anyone. The room was oval-shaped, the columns were positioned in a circle and he was directly in the center. His attention was drawn to patterns drawn on the columns; these resembled unknown ornaments or plants. For some reason he thought they were lilies, and imagined how the ornament would look with lilies intertwined in it. To his amazement, lilies suddenly appeared intertwined in the pattern. He then heard a loud male voice, “Not too bad” from behind him. He turned around and noticed a male and a woman standing there. They wore ancient style robes, the man in a white one and the woman in a violet-colored one. Both were tall and very beautiful in appearance. “They are Gods,” the witness thought. The humanoids apparently read his mind, and both man and woman smiled and he heard, “We are the same Gods as you”. The alien man pointed at the intricate pattern of lilies and said, “You can also become a God if that is what you really want”. He then pointed to the floor and the columns disappeared; now a huge “hatch” appeared on the floor. The witness came closer and looked down into it. There he noticed crowds of people walking, men and women. The people appeared confused and walked aimlessly. They were holding children and walking without direction. (This was obviously an alien hologram made especially for the witness to watch). Suddenly the witness felt an urge to help the hapless crowd and yelled at them, “You are walking in the wrong direction, look up, you hear me, look up”! There was no reaction from the crowd. “We are also not heard,” said the alien man. The witness looked up and the columns had returned, and he noticed two men with long beards wearing white clothing seating on benches along the oval wall. The witness then heard the man’s voice say, “You can become one of them. Purify yourself” But the witness said that he had to return. After that was said both bearded men got up from their bench and walked to the center of the room. The next moment a huge book appeared out of nowhere on a pedestal in the middle of the room, the bearded men opened the book somewhere in the middle of the book and one of them began reading in a strange language. The witness listened attentively to the unknown words, but could not understand anything that was said, and later he could not remember anything that was said. After that the witness then found himself sitting under the birch tree again, and the red star above him blinking as if saying goodbye, it disappeared into the night sky.

Source: Bogdan Duma “Interesnaya Gazeta” # 4 1998


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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