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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Puerto Rico

ID #1616419872
Added Mon, 22/03/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Puerto Rico

The Mojica and Cartagena family, who lived on isolated ranches, repeatedly saw different types of humanoid creatures in the area.

One creature was described as short, human-like, with a childlike body, blue-gray skin, a slightly larger head, pointed ears, sparse hair, large almond-shaped eyes, and a very small nose. The creature had a slight smile, and was dressed in a very tight gray-colored garment that completely covered it up to the neck. 

The other type of creature seen was approximately six feet (1.8 m) tall with features very similar to a small child-like creature wearing the same clothing. 

They have been seen in combination with chupacabra-type creatures, which they seem to have been "following". 

On one occasion, witnesses saw 14 chupacabra-type creatures of various sizes walking in single file up a hill. 

Others in the area saw unknown planes and lights over fields.

Original news

Location. Rio Lajas, Dorado, Puerto Rico
Date: October 1995
Time: night
On various occasions the Mojica & Cartagena family that lived isolated ranches have seen different types of humanoid creatures in the area. One creature was described as short human-like, with a child like body, with gray-blue skin, a head slightly larger than normal, with pointed ears, & sparse hair, with large almond shaped eyes & a very small nose. This creature seemed to have a slight smile & was wearing a very tight fitting gray colored outfit that covered him completely up to the neck. Another type of beings seen was described as about six feet tall with very similar features to the small child like creature, wearing the same type of outfit. This one has been seen in conjunction with the “Chupacabra” type creatures that he seems to be “keeping an eye on”. On one occasion the witnesses saw 14 Chupacabra type creatures of different sizes walking single file up the side of a hill. Others in the area have seen unknown aircraft and lights over the fields.

Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia OVNI # 10


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