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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Parallel world. United Kingdom

ID #1617450079
Added Sat, 03/04/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Северный Уэльс
United Kingdom

The witness recalls waking up in a black chair that looked like a dentist's chair and seeing a woman standing over him. She looked very human, and if he described her, she looked like a " perfect person." She had jet-black hair pulled back in a bun by the witness. 

She was wearing a versatile black suit and what appeared to be a black collar. The material looked like PVC and glistened. He doesn't remember if there were any marks or patterns on the suit, but the witness remembers that she was wearing black lipstick. The woman disappeared into the room behind the "dental chair" to the right of the witness. 

The chair seemed to be away from the front of the room in an open but separate part of the room. There was a brown carpet in the room. His next memory was that he was sitting next to 4 or 5 people, all of them men. The men were different from the women, with blond hair and blue suits. There were about 4 or 5 of them, and four of them looked the same, again very similar to humans. But one of the men looked different, but he, like the others, was wearing the same clothes and had the same hair color. Their clothes seemed whole again. 

However, the witness seems to recall that they had a yellow V-shape on the front, running from one shoulder to the chest and back to the other shoulder. The line appeared to be an inch (2.54 cm) thick. These people were sitting in front of what looked like a car with orange flashing lights. 

Only one of the men spoke to him, the others seemed to be busy. The one who spoke to the witness was different from the others. The controls seemed to be in front of what appeared to be windows, and he remembered that the room was a semicircle. The windows were next to each other, and there was a black one directly across from the room. One of the blonds spoke to the witness verbally, but he couldn't answer, the man seemed to be able to read the witness ' mind. He couldn't remember much of the conversation, but he remembered thinking about Australia for some unknown reason. 

His next memory was that he was looking through the windows at the coastline, but he was looking at it from the sea. Then the woman he had met earlier seemed to reappear from another room and say that the men should not talk to him and that it was time for him to leave. 

His next memory was of sitting on the bed and looking out of the window for some strange reason.

Original news

Date: May 1998
Location: North Wales exact location not given
Time: late night
Summary: The witness remembers waking up on a black dentist-like chair with a woman standing over him. She looked very human and if he were to describe her she looked like a “perfect human”. She had jet-black hair in what the witness described as a “bun”. She was wearing an all in one black suit and she also seemed to have a black collar as well. The material was similar to PVC and shiny. He doesn’t remember if there were any markings or patterns on the suit but the witness does remember that she had black lipstick on. The woman disappeared into a room that was behind the “dentist’s chair” to the right of the witness. The chair seemed to be situated away from the front part of the room in an open but separate part of the room. The room seemed to have carpet, brown in color. His next memory was of being sat next to 4 or 5 people, they were all men. The men were different from the women and they had blond hair and were wearing light blue suits. There were about 4 or 5 of them and four of the men looked identical, again very human like in appearance. But one of the men looked different but he like the others was wearing the same clothing and had the same hair color. Again their clothing seemed to be one-piece. However the witness seems to recall that they had a yellow V-shape on the front going from one shoulder down to the chest and back up to the other shoulder. The line seemed to be an inch thick. These men sat in front of what appeared to be machinery with orange flashing lights. Only one of the men spoke to him, the others seemed to be busy. The one that spoke to the witness was the one that was different from the others. The controls seemed to be in front of what appeared to be windows and he remembered the room being a half circle. There were windows next to each other right across the room outside was black. One of the blond men spoke to the witness orally, but he could not reply, the man appeared to be able to read the witness thoughts. He could not recall most of the conversation but remembered thinking about Australia for some unknown reason. His next memory was of looking through the windows at a coastline, but he was viewing it from the sea. Then the woman that he had previously met seemed to appear again from another room, and said that the men should not talk to him and that it was time for him to leave. His next memory was of sitting on his bed looking out the window for some strange reason. After a week after this experience he developed an infection in the roof of his mouth, it finally developed into a cyst that’s still there today.
Source:  The UFO Casebook and Alien Newsletter Issue # 50


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