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The Alien. Kyrgyzstan

ID #1621322851
Added Tue, 18/05/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
28.08.1991 04:42
урочище Шайтан-Мазар

Very little was written about the crash of a giant UFO in the Tien Shan Mountains in 1991 - probably because the information about this event was too stingy. And also, perhaps, because it happened in the days of the collapse of the USSR, when the public was not up to flying saucers…

Emerged from the void

The events unfolded as follows. On August 28, 1991, at 04:42 a.m. local time, the radars of the station on the Mangyshlak peninsula registered a very large object in the airspace. He appeared on the screen suddenly, as if he had emerged from the void. The object had a length of 600 meters, 110 meters in diameter and flew over the Caspian Sea from the northwest at an altitude of 6,600 meters at a speed of 960 kilometers per hour. He did not respond to any requests.

The appearance of the "alien" was immediately reported to the Caspian Air Defense unit. Two MiG-29 patrol fighters went to intercept; two more cars were alerted from airfield K. The pilots were tasked with landing the object at the airfield. In case of disobedience: open fire on the alien and destroy it.

The meeting took place exactly at the calculated time, at 05:12. The pilots observed the object visually and on radar screens.

It looked like a giant airship without any protruding parts, only on the sides in its head part there were two round portholes with a diameter of one-sixth of the height.

The operation to intercept the "airship" ended faster than the pilots expected. When trying to open fire, the weapons systems of all fighters failed, and when approaching the object at 500-600 meters, engine failures began. The object itself suddenly rapidly increased its speed: in a minute it reached 6800 kilometers per hour.

At 05:27, in the area of Lake Issyk-Kul, the UFO disappeared from sight and disappeared from radar screens.

However, all this is just the beginning of the story about the "Russian Roswell", as it was dubbed in the West.

At the end of September 1991, the population of the Kyrgyz capital Bishkek heard rumors that in the mountains to the east of the city

Przhevalsk (now Karakol), in the tract of Shaitan-Mazar, a large UFO crashed. A group of local enthusiasts headed by the famous ufologist E. Bachurin immediately went to the area of the disaster. However, the hastily assembled expedition had to turn back due to bad weather conditions, the abundance of snow and the difficulty of moving through the mountains.

At about the same time, a helicopter was sent to the disaster area to establish the exact location of the UFO crash, but for unknown reasons, the helicopter crashed in the mountains, and its entire crew died.

Reports of a crashed UFO became interested in Alma-Ata. Unlike the Bishkek ufologists, the Almaty residents prepared thoroughly for the campaign. The expedition was led by an experienced pilot, retired Colonel Nikolai Svechkov. He gathered a team of not just specialists in various fields of knowledge, but people with good physical and psychological training who had the skills of mountaineering, passed compatibility tests and behavior in extreme situations. The group had various equipment, video and cameras: the Kazakh government allocated two helicopters to enthusiasts.

On June 12, 1992, N. Svechkov's expedition was delivered to the alleged crash site. As the weather turned bad, the helicopters had to land away from him, at the foot of the ridge; here they set up a base camp. Tract

Shaitan Mazar (by the way, this place has long enjoyed a bad reputation among the surrounding residents, hence the name, which translates as "The Devil's Grave") was located four kilometers from the goal, on the other side of the mountains. The next morning, without waiting for the weather to improve, the search party will begin climbing.

The object was seen as soon as they crossed the ridge. Even from a distance of one and a half kilometers, the huge ship, broken in two, made an amazing impression. It was at least as tall as the pyramid of Cheops; its rounded steel-gray sides glistened in the misty mist. After the startled researchers approached the mysterious object, everyone's discomfort increased: - fear, someone - headache, nausea or just weakness. Approximately 800 meters from the UFO, people's hair stood on end," and the instruments registered the strongest "excess" static electricity.

Magnetometers also behaved extremely strangely, indicating the almost complete absence of a magnetic field. Even the rocks sampled from a distance of 800, 600 and 400 meters from the UFO (closer, by common consent, the researchers decided not to approach) were completely demagnetized. All electronic watches displayed zeros on their dials. Six mechanical clocks showed different times. Neither video nor photography yielded results. The film in the devices simply lit up.

Face to face with an alien

The participants of the expedition wondered: what happened here? Probably, the object flying at high speed, the lower part of the fuselage caught on a rock. After the impact, he began to slide along the horizontal mountain platform, leaving a deep trail behind him. The explosion occurred inside the central part of the ship (this is indicated by the nature of the damage), and it split into two almost equal parts. Several decks and supporting structures were visible inside the ship.

The researchers had two sealed radiation protection suits equipped with helmets and cylinders with air supply. It was decided to send people to the ship who already had experience working in such suits. They had to get into one of the halves of the crashed UFO and check if there was a crew on the ship (who may have needed help).

The situation was complicated by the fact that the radios were out of order. The daredevils who will be on board the UFO will have no connection with the main group. However, we decided to take a chance.

Apparently, the protective suits were not reliable enough: both researchers then received a lethal dose of radiation. One died of radiation sickness three months later, the second — Alexey Romanovsky - lived for another five years and died in Moscow at the age of 31. He signed a subscription to keep silent about what he saw on board a UFO, but before he died, he still told one of the Moscow ufologists about his visit to an alien ship.

"We entered the right half, because there was a passage in it among the structures mangled by the explosion," Alexey said. "In the corridor... it was light, but there were no light sources anywhere. All the surrounding surfaces seemed to emit light. We came across several branches leading up, but we decided not to turn off. We walked almost to the end of the corridor and found ourselves in an oval room. In it, all the walls and ceiling were occupied by curved pipes of different diameters and coil-type structures. The pilot was sitting in a chair in front of a balloon-like device. He looked like a man, only very tall; if he stood up, he would be much taller than us. He was wearing a tight-fitting dark gray suit and a mask that looked like a gas mask. He was sitting sideways to us. When we began to approach him, he turned his head towards us. A strong fear came over me. My friend fell, I picked him up and dragged him into the corridor...".

The veil of secrecy

Over the next few years, ufologists collected all possible information about this UFO, looked for money for the next expedition, made requests for space photography of the Shaitan-Mazar tract. However, the Kazakh and Russian authorities now got off with replies or silence, or even deliberately obstructed researchers.

Only in 1998, a new expedition led by the Moscow ufologist Nikolai Subbotin was finally able to go to the mountains. We managed to get only one helicopter — the group rented it with great difficulty from a private company. They arrived at the crash site on August 23. But the UFO disappeared! The researchers found a 20-meter funnel formed from the explosion, and nothing more.

It seemed that someone carefully leveled everything and fell asleep, destroying the traces of the 1991 disaster. The instruments did not register any anomalies reported by the previous expedition. Subbotin surveyed the surroundings from a height. Strange lines resembling landing strips at airfields were found on the neighboring hill. At the end of these lanes there were flat areas with a diameter of 20-25 meters, on which helicopters could land. It is likely that the military visited there and took out the wreckage of the UFO, while not forgetting to destroy the traces of his stay here.

As a result, N. Subbotin's expedition did not really find out anything. There were no remnants of the ship, no obvious traces of its fall. Conversations with the pilots of helicopters and planes flying in the area also yielded nothing. Something, however, was reported by the local population. It turns out that in the period from 1992 to 1996 there was a noticeable revival here: helicopters flew, cars drove… It seems that, as in the case of the UFO disaster in the American Roswell, in the former USSR, they are also doing everything to cast doubt on the evidence of starships suffering disasters from other planets. Meanwhile, experiments are being conducted somewhere in secret laboratories…


There is an anomalous place in the Tien Shan Mountains that is of great interest to researchers. 

It is located in the Shaitan-Mazar tract, which means "devil's grave" in Kyrgyz. According to some reports, a UFO crashed here in 1991. There are witnesses to the disaster, only the wreckage of the alien ship has not yet been found.

At the end of August 1991, on the Mangyshlak peninsula, military radars detected a huge aircraft that appeared as if from nowhere. He was heading southeast. The length of the object, according to rough estimates, was about 600 m, and the diameter was 110 m. The UFO was moving at an altitude of 6,500 m at a high speed, about 10,000 km / h, stubbornly did not respond to the requests of the military. 

Before taking action, the operators contacted the cosmodrome in Kapustin Yar. It turned out that there were no unplanned rocket launches that day, but the instruments of the cosmodrome also recorded "something" and monitored it. Information about the strange object was immediately transferred to the Caspian Air Defense unit. The command decided to lift four MiG-29 fighters into the air and send them to the facility. 

The pilots were tasked with finding out what kind of aircraft it was and, if possible, forcing it to land at a military airfield. In case of disobedience - shoot to kill. Many times the pilots tried to establish contact with the object, but to no avail. The UFO was silent and continued to move.


The pilots managed to get a good look at the UFO. The object had a cigar-shaped shape, there was no reflection from its body, there were two portholes on the nose, some green signs on the tail part. 

The object did not show aggression, but at an emergency meeting of the headquarters, it was decided to force it to land at all costs. To do this, the fighters had to take him from both sides in a "pincer" and, moving next to him, open fire. But the military's plan failed. As soon as the planes approached the UFO at 500 m, all their instruments failed and the cigar engines began to malfunction, moving in a zigzag pattern, gained speed up to 70,000 km/ h (!) and soon disappeared from radar screens.

Soon rumors began to spread about a UFO accident. The famous researcher Emil Bachurin organized a search expedition and went to the crash site - in the Shaitan-Mazar tract. As luck would have it, snowfalls and avalanches began in the mountains, so the group returned with nothing, never reaching the tract. The military also made an attempt to collect what was left of the UFO. For this purpose, a helicopter was sent to Shaitan Mazar, but it crashed for reasons that remained unclear.

Nevertheless, the incident could not be ignored, and the staff of the Kazakhstan research station equipped a new expedition. Two search groups went to the Tien Shan Mountains. As they approached the crash site, people began to experience strange sensations: there was a feeling of anxiety, fatigue and even depression. 

In addition, the air was filled with static electricity so much that the hair literally stood on end. Approaching the object by 1.5 km, the researchers tried to determine the azimuth and dimensions. But the instruments showed completely unrealistic results. The quartz oscillator also failed. Electronic watches stubbornly showed zeros on the dial, and each mechanical clock had its own time. And the compasses seemed to have gone crazy. 

Attempts to measure the magnetic field at a distance of 800 m from the UFO also ended in failure. Magnetometers showed that there was no magnetic field here. By the way, rock samples taken near the object also showed their complete demagnetization. Of course, scientists were interested in what could be the cause of demagnetization, but they did not find the answer. However, there was one hypothesis that the UFO was the source of the release of a large amount of energy, which neutralized the magnetic field.


It was not possible to carry out video and photography of the object, since the film eventually turned out to be illuminated.

In the summer of 1992, Kazakh ufologists decided to start their search for an alien ship. The expedition to the Shaitan-Mazar tract was organized by the military, retired major Gennady Svechkov. The group managed to get to the crash site and even see the wrecked ship. 

Shocked people were speechless when a cigar-shaped object appeared in front of their eyes, broken in half. By the way, the situation with the devices was repeated in this expedition, and the feelings of people were similar to those experienced by their predecessors.

Researchers have been racking their brains for a long time in the hope of finding an answer to the question: what happened to the ship? It was suggested that, moving at high speed and at a fairly low altitude, the object touched some kind of rock. Then, with the damaged hull, he began to slide on a flat area in the mountains. Judging by the trail left by the object. this path was more than a kilometer. Apparently, from friction or for another reason, an explosion occurred in the central part of the UFO, which tore the ship into two approximately equal parts.

Inside the device, everyone who saw it saw a kind of multi-tiered structure consisting of supporting frames. It's just a mystery whether the aliens controlled the ship, which the tract became a mass grave, or it was on autopilot.

Another question that worried researchers: where did this object come from? Quite real hypotheses were put forward that the UFO was actually a balloon using nuclear fuel. Or was it an unsuccessful launch of some space device of the latest development?

But those who believed in UFOs were not satisfied with such explanations. Experts continued to search in the Tien Shan Mountains. The strange thing was that against the background of rumors, the media did not even touch on this topic, as if there was a ban on it.

In 1998, 7 years after the disaster, a ufo expedition led by journalist Nikolai Subbotin again went to the scene of the accident. However, researchers were in for an unpleasant surprise. Only a two-meter funnel left after the explosion reminded of the events of seven years ago. There was no debris, not even a hint of them. 


As for the devices, they all (worked in the usual mode, as if denying the events of 1991. Scientists have suggested that the military had time to visit here, who cleaned up the crash site with their usual pedantry. Only from the air could the lines be seen, very similar to the runways, but already carefully camouflaged by even rows of stones.

And even on one of the rocks it was possible to distinguish a pothole caused by the collision of a UFO with a stone.

After returning from the expedition, Subbotin met with Emil Bachurin, who had visited the tract shortly before him. Bachurin claimed that only a month ago he was able to make sketches and photos of the object. 

His observations once again confirmed that the alien ship exploded during landing, as its skin was twisted, and some internal elements seemed to have been turned inside out. 

But there was no confirmation of these words again, the film turned out to be illuminated. Apparently, radiation was still coming from the object at that time. The only evidence of the existence of radiation were burns on Bachurin's hands.

But what the alien ship was doing in the Tien Shan Mountains remains a mystery to this day. What were the aliens looking for in this area? Your airstrip base? And why did the aircraft crash? Could it be the fault of the Shaitan-Mazar tract, which has long enjoyed a bad reputation among local residents?


On August 28 , 1991 , the radars of the air station in Kyrgyzstan at 4 : 42 a.m. local time recorded a strange object with a length of more than 600 m . He suddenly appeared in the airspace over the Caspian Sea at an altitude of 7 km and flew at an incredible speed - 960 km/ h!

The station's operators immediately contacted the Kapustin Yar cosmodrome to find out if an unplanned rocket launch was carried out there. From there they replied that there was no launch and that their radars also registered a strange aircraft. After that, the operators from Przhevalsk transmitted information to the Caspian air Defense unit, from which four MIG-29 fighters were sent across the "stranger".

The pilots were required to identify the object and force it to land at the nearest airfield. After some time, the pilots saw it from a distance of several kilometers, but they could not determine whether the device belonged to a particular type of aircraft and its state "registration". According to them, it somewhat resembled an airship, but after all, airships cannot fly at such altitudes, and even at such a speed!

MiG-29 pilots began to send him radio requests "friend or foe" and commands to land immediately. However, the "airship" did not react to anything and continued its way to the southeast. Then an order was given from the air defense command post, according to which the fighters should be positioned two by two on each side of the object and open fire parallel to the course of its movement. However, as soon as the planes approached it at a distance of 500 m, their navigation devices and weapons suddenly failed. And the "airship" at the same time made several zigzag maneuvers, gained speed and disappeared.

After that, the air defense command post had no doubt that it was a UFO. They no longer thought of capturing him, but they were obliged to trace the further path — in order to avoid a collision with him of Earth technology. Suddenly at 10:27 a.m. at an altitude of 4400 m a little south of Lake Issyk-Kul, the UFO disappeared from radar screens.

It was concluded that he had suffered a disaster, and several military personnel immediately went in search of him. On September 2, 1991, from a distance of about one and a half kilometers, they noticed on the rocks, east of Przhevalsk, a huge object that split in half from a strong blow.

The men, inspired by the quick find, moved towards her. And then very strange things began to happen: all of them, who had seen military types, were seized with indescribable fear, they began to feel weakness all over their bodies, and the hair on their heads stood on end. In addition, the magnetic hands of the compasses taken with them turned 180 degrees, the electronic clock failed, and the mechanical ones of each of the expedition participants showed different times.

The men finished their advance and decided to at least take a picture of the split "airship" from there. But even here they were unlucky: the film was illuminated every time. The military had no choice but to return to the command post with almost nothing...

Already on September 4, more prepared people were sent to the crash site — employees of the Kyrgyz UFO tracking research station headed by Emil Bachurin. They managed to move a little further than the military — at a distance of about 800 m from the fallen "airship", and then they began to experience the same as their predecessors.

Emil Bachurin personally collected the rocks in that place. Special measuring instruments showed that the rocks were completely demagnetized; they also registered a monstrous excess of static electricity around the crash site. Apparently, it was it, coming from UFOs, that negatively affected the well-being of people and the work of technology.

Having made this conclusion, the researchers set off on their way back, intending to return to the crash site soon, having previously stocked up with protection from excess electricity. However, when they came there with the same composition a week later, the object was no longer there! There was only a huge funnel formed as a result of his fall! Where the multi-ton UFO has gone in such a short time has remained a mystery.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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