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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Parallel world. Ukraine

ID #1623249586
Added Wed, 09/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

After a series of tragedies in her life, Svetlana D. was desperate and turned to prostitution to survive, and on her first "working" day, she was standing by the side of the ring road near the local tram track when she suddenly felt strange. She could feel strange waves moving all over her body. 

Soon a car pulled up next to her and a man got out, then a beam of light was projected onto the spot where she was standing, as if someone or something above her had activated a powerful torch or lantern. But apparently, she could only see a ray of light, as the stranger continued to approach her in an "imposing" manner, but when he entered the circle of light, he was seized with terror, and with a frightened expression on his face, he began to scream and shake, almost as if in an epileptic fit. Screaming in panic, the man ran away from Svetlana and left the car on the side of the road. 

Soon Svetlana felt an unknown force lifting her body into the air. Afraid, she closed her eyes. 

Opening her eyes, she found herself in a strange room. Somehow, she realized that she was inside some kind of flying machine. Around her, unknown instruments were visible, emitting a sparkling multicolored light. She was suddenly surrounded by a green aura or radiance. 

What happened next, she could only vaguely remember (this part was apparently erased from her memory, or from that moment on, her visual perception ability was significantly impaired). Like her, she saw what appeared to be the shadows of several humanoid creatures moving around her, performing some sort of manipulation on her body. The entities may have taken tissue samples for analysis, but she didn't feel any pain during the procedures. 

She couldn't tell how long she had been in the company of the strange creatures, but as soon as she was on the ground, she hurriedly left this place and took the first bus from this place. 

After this incident, she lost the need or desire to become a prostitute and apparently reformed.

Original news

Date: November  1 2005
Location:  Borschagovka area, Kiev, Ukraine
Time:   around 2000
Summary:  After a series of tragedies in her life, Svetlana D. was in despair and turned to prostitution to survive and on her first “working” day was standing near the roadside on Ring Road close to the location of a local tramline when she suddenly felt weird. She felt strange waves moving all around her body. Soon a car stopped near her and a man stepped from it, a beam of light was then projected to where she was standing, like someone or something above her had activated a powerful torch or lantern on her. But apparently she could only see the beam of light since the stranger kept approaching her in an “imposing” manner but as he walked into the circle of light he was seized by horror and with a terrified look on his face he began to scream and shake, almost as if having an epileptic seizure. Screaming in a panic the man ran away from Svetlana and left his car on the roadside. Soon after Svetlana felt an unknown force pulling her body into the air. Afraid she closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes she found herself inside a strange room. Somehow she understood that she was inside some flying craft. All around her she could see unknown instruments, emitting sparkling multicolored light. The she was suddenly surrounded in a green aura or glow. What happened next she could only vaguely recall (this part was apparently erased from her memory or her ability of visual perception was substantially hampered from this moment). Seemingly to her, she saw something like shadows of several humanoid entities moving around her, performing some manipulations with her body. Possibly the entities were taking tissue samples for analyses, but she felt no pain during the procedures. She couldn’t tell how long she was in the company of the strange entities, but as soon as she found herself back on the ground she hurriedly walked away from the area and boarded the first bus away from the location. After this incident she lost her need or desire to become a prostitute and apparently reformed herself.
Source:   “Inoplanetyanin” (Extraterrestrial) Newspaper, Ukraine # 45 November 22 2005


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