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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1624547136
Added Thu, 24/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
06.2007 18:00
община Капитула Ред-Меса, UT
United States

The 19-year-old Navajo native was returning from Farmington, New Mexico.. The sun had just set, however, he was enjoying the pleasant light that the sun still emits after falling below the western horizon when he just turned west off County Rd 21.

When he continued with his small Ford Ranger, there were small turns and turns on the road, but he could still see for many miles, since the climate in this area is semi-desert, so only bushes and small hills are the only thing that prevents him from seeing at a distance of 30-50 miles. 

After completing a wide turn, he found himself on a straight country road, which has a slight slope down, and then rises again to another hill. Then he noticed a black figure walking on the right side of the road about 2 or 3 minutes ahead of him. This was nothing new for him, since everyone was used to seeing hitchhikers, runners, on the Navajo Highway. But as we got closer to this person, it became obvious that this was an unusual person. 

In fact, he was very, very, skinny and very, very tall, when he got closer, he noticed that this person was wearing completely black clothes, however, he did not feel afraid, slowed down his truck and looked out to see the person. as he slowly walked past him. 

At this moment, the strange man stopped, but still looked ahead. Finally, as the vehicle gradually moved forward so that the witness could see the front of the figure, he was horrified to see that the stranger dressed in black had no face. No eyes, no mouth, no nose. Shocked, the witness moved forward very quickly and stopped. 

Finally, gathering his strength, he drove back to where he had last seen the faceless figure standing just a few moments ago. but he was gone; there were only footprints in the sand. At that moment, an overwhelming fear seized him, and he drove away as quickly as possible, stopping in front of his grandfather's house, where he had to be dragged out of the truck by force.

Original news

Location. Near Red Mesa Chapter House Community, Utah
Date: summer 2007
Time: 1800
A 19-year old Navajo Indian Native was driving back from Farmington New Mexico. The sun had just set, however he was enjoying the pleasant light the sun still emits after falling below the western horizon while he had just made the turn west from County Rd 21. As he continued on in his small Ford Ranger, there were minor twists and turns on the road, but he still could see miles and miles away since the local area has a semi-desert climate, so only brush and small hills are the only thing preventing him from seeing 30 to 50 miles out. After completing a wide turn, he found himself on a straightaway on the country road, which has a small incline down into a dip, then eventually rises again to another hill. He then noticed a black figure walking on the right–hand shoulder of the road about 2 or 3 minutes ahead of him. It was nothing new to him, since everyone was accustomed to seeing hitchhikers, runners, and sometimes kids running, and playing beside the Navajo Nation highways. But as neared this individual, it seemed apparent that this was no ordinary person. In fact, he was very, very, skinny and very, very tall, as he got closer he noticed that this individual was wearing clothes that were entirely black, however he felt no fear and slowed his truck down and peered out to see the man as he slowly passed him. At this point the strange individual came to a halt, but was still facing forward. Finally as the vehicle was gradually moved forward in a position that the witness could see the frontal part of the figure, he was horrified to see that the stranger dressed in black had no face. No eyes, no mouth, no nose structure at all. Shocked, the witness drove forward very fast and then stopped. Finally composing himself he drove back where he had last seen the faceless figure standing only a few moments before, but it had vanished; only footprints remained on the sand. At this point an overpowering fear overtook him and he drove away as quickly as possible, ending up parked in front of his grandfather’s house, where he had to be forcibly dragged out of the truck.
Source: Your True Tales—April 2009


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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