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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1624552251
Added Thu, 24/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
04.11.2007 05:00
Баннелл, FL
United States

The witness went to his usual place to park his truck for hunting. The area is located between his grandparents ' house and his great-aunt's house. He got out of the truck, noticing that his headlight needed batteries. He took out his rifle and was about to get hunting clothes and spare batteries when he heard the crackling of dry palm leaves at a distance of about 50-60 yards (45-54 m). The moon was about half full, and he believes that it was arriving at that time. 

He noticed a very tall figure that appeared to be ash-gray and seemed to be looking directly at him. It was difficult for him to understand what exactly he was looking at. In just a short second, the creature began to move in front of him at an amazing pace. 

The witness realized that this was really happening to him, and quickly grabbed and loaded his gun, not knowing what to expect. The creature crossed in front of him for about 35-40 yards (31.5-36 m), until it came to the end of the yard. 

Then, with this amazing step, he stepped (did not jump) over a fence made of 6 strands of barbed wire. The fence was 4.5 to 5 feet (1.3-1.5 m) high. For about 5 seconds, the witness thought that he was going crazy, and began to doubt his eyes. 

Then suddenly, about 150-175 yards (135-19. 5 m) away, a flock of sand cranes exploded and went crazy, clucking and flapping their wings. And then out of nowhere, he saw a flash of light that appeared in the shape of an oval about 20 feet (6 m) long to his left about 50 feet (15 m)away from him. The flash was almost like a camera, but only on the ground in a certain place to his left. 

He very quickly decided to go back to his truck and wait for dawn to go hunting. When he calmed down, he realized that the creature or creature had no body hair. He had never seen a face. He was very slender, with long arms and legs. Later, the witness felt very uncomfortable in the deer stand that morning and left the forest early that day. 

He reluctantly decided to talk to his grandparents about what had happened, fearing for them, because they are already over eighty. His grandfather told him that a few days ago he heard something knocking on his window. They told him to tell the police, who referred him to a local inspector. He suggested that the witness go out into the open field, where the creature stepped over the fence, and look for traces. 

He found the first track, which was about 11 inches (27.94 cm) long, four inches wide at the toes, just three fingers. The width of the heel was about 3 inches (7.62 cm). In total, he found 3 tracks, 1 full track and 2 partial tracks. The pitch was 6 to 7 feet (1,-2.1 m) long.

Original news

Location. Bunnell, Florida
Date: November 4 2007
Time: 0500am
The witness had approached his normal place to park his truck to go hunting. The area is between his grandparent’s house and his great aunt’s house. He got out of the truck noticing his headlamp needed batteries. He had gotten out his gun and was proceeding to get his hunting clothes and some spare batteries when he heard some dry palm fronds crackling about 50 to 60 yards away. The moon was about half full and he believes it was waxing at the time. He noticed a very tall figure that seemed to look ash gray colored and seemed to be looking straight at him. He was having a difficult time realizing what exactly he was looking at. In just a brief second, the being began moving across in front of him at an amazing stride. The witness realized that this was really occurring to him and quickly grabbed and loaded his gun, not knowing what to expect. The being proceeded across in front of him approximately 35 to 40 yards until it came to the end of the yard. Then, in this amazing stride it stepped over (not jumped) a 6 strand barbwire fence. The fence was about 4 ½ to 5 ft tall. For about 5 seconds the witness thought he was going crazy and started to doubt his eyes. Then all of the sudden, about 150-175 yards away, a flock of sandhill cranes just erupted and went crazy cackling and slapping wings. And then out of nowhere he saw a flash of light that appeared in the shape of an oval about 20 feet long to his left about 50ft away. The flash was almost that of a camera but only on the ground in a specific place to his left. He very quickly decided to get back in his truck and wait until daylight to go hunting. As he calmed down, he realized that the being or creature didn’t have body hair. He never saw the face. It was very slender and with long legs and arms. Later the witness felt very uncomfortable in the deer stand that morning and got out of the woods early that day. He reluctantly decided to talk to his grandparent about what happened in fear for them because they are in their mid eighties. His grandfather told him that he heard something tapping on his window a few days before. They told him to tell the police who referred him to the local game warden. He suggested that the witness go out to the open filed where the being had stepped over the fence and look for tracks. He found the first track which was about 11 inches long four inches wide at the toes, there were only three toes. It was about 3 inches wide at the heel. He found a total of 3 tracks, 1 full track and 2 partials. The stride was about 6 to 7 feet long. He reported it to the game warden that seemed to be uninterested in believing him.
Source: NUFORC


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