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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Poltergeist. United States

ID #1624620920
Added Fri, 25/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
07.05.2007 21:00
Зальма, MO
United States

18-year-old Ralph Carnahan was sitting on his family's porch and talking to his girlfriend on the phone when he saw strange lights. There were a couple of bright lights in the sky right in front of Ralph; one light was red, and the other was white. The other couple next to him, both were white. He called his mother and her boyfriend outside. However, they did not think that the light was unusual, so they returned to the house. Ralph waited until the light came closer. 

The couple that was in front of Ralph began to hover over the nearest tree in the yard of the house. Then the light went out, but something was left behind. In the light of a nearby lantern, Ralph saw a brownish-green creature with large eyes sitting on a tree. He ran into the house and again called his mother and her boyfriend to the street. As they approached the tree, the creature seemed to merge with the foliage. Then his mother and her boyfriend returned to the house. 

Ralph went to the porch where his mother's dog was tied up; soon the dog started growling towards the bridge over the nearby Huzzah Creek. Ralph looked at the stream near the bridge and saw a green "spaceship" hovering at the height of a street lamp. He went down to the bridge and checked it. He could see it floating in the dark. 

He ran back into the house and resumed the conversation with his girlfriend on the porch. The figure in the tree was looking directly at him, so Ralph threw a cup of coffee at it, forcing it to move. He saw him jump to the grass below. 

He returned to the house, and things in the house began to move by themselves. Ralph was sure that the aliens were in the house now. Ralph claims that the aliens were transparent, and he could hardly see them. 

At 5 o'clock in the morning, he saw a tall alien looking through the glass at the top of the door. The figure was red with black marks on its face. He woke up his 16-year-old sister, but the strange figure disappeared.

Original news

Date: May 7 2007
Location: Zalma, Missouri
Time: 2100
Summary: 18-year old Ralph Carnahan was sitting on his family’s porch talking to his girlfriend on the telephone when he saw strange lights. Right in front of Ralph was a pair of bright lights in the sky; one light was red and one was white. The other pair off to his side, both were white in color. He called his mother and her boyfriend outside. However they didn’t think the lights were out of the ordinary, so they went back in the house. Ralph waited and the lights moved closer. The pair that was in front of Ralph began hovering above a nearby tree in the front yard. Then the light moved off, but it left something behind. Illuminated by the glare of a nearby streetlight Ralph saw a brownish-green creature with large eyes sitting in the tree. He ran to the house and called his mother and her boyfriend outside again. When they got close to the tree the creature seemed to blend with the foliage. His mother and her boyfriend then went back inside the house. Ralph walked to the porch where his mother’s dog was tied; the dog soon started growling toward a bridge over the nearby Huzzah Creek. Ralph looked down the creek by the bridge and saw a green “spaceship” hovering as high as the street light. He walked down to the bridge and checked it out. He could see it hovering in the dark. He ran back to the house and resumed talking to his girlfriend in the front porch. The figure in the tree was staring straight at him, so Ralph threw a coffee cup at it causing it to move. He saw it jumping on to the grass below. He went back inside the house and things in the house began to move on their own. Ralph was convinced that the aliens were now in the house. Ralph claims the aliens were transparent and he could barely see them. At 0500am he saw a tall alien looking through the glass on the top of the door. The figure was red with black markings on its face. He woke up his 16-year old sister but the strange figure had disappeared.
Source: T Peter Park


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