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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Parallel world. United States

ID #1624789398
Added Sun, 27/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
07.05.2008 20:00
Буш, AK
United States

Nick Andrew Jr. was riding a snowmobile, hunting birds, some distance from the city, maybe three hours away. Preparing to return home, he decided to check another place on a guess. 

Stopping to look, he saw a little boy, all alone in the middle of the swamp, he recognized him as a boy from the village. He asked him where his father or hunting partners were. Then he asked him questions about who he was with and whether he was alone. The boy was scared and crying. All his answers were "I don't know". 

He described the boy as disoriented, dazed, confused and scared, with no idea of the time. He didn't look tired, nor was he hungry or thirsty. But the boy was lucky. It seems that he was found in a place frequented by large tundra brown bears. 

Andres took the boy home, noting that there were no tracks in the spring snow indicating that someone had entered the area. He found it puzzling, he counted at least 10 other snowmobiles in the vicinity, none of which noticed the boy. 

After returning the boy to the village, he left his VHS radio for the night in case some other hunter reported the missing child. No one did it. It wasn't until the next day that the story began to appear that he had what you would call an "unusual experience". He had a little missed time, as do people who report that he was abducted by UFOs. 

The boy said that he was brought to Mount Picher, a place that is often associated with meetings of the"Irzenrraat". There he was interrogated, and he saw other "little creatures". 

He said he came into contact with a little girl who was abducted more than 40 years ago. She told him who she was, and she needed help.

Original news

Date: May 7 2008
Location: Near Bush, Alaska
Time: 20:00
Summary: Nick Andrew Jr. was on a snowmobile hunting birds some distance out of town—maybe three hours away. Preparing to return home, he decided to check a different location on a hunch. Stopping to look he saw a small boy all alone in the middle of the marsh, he recognized the child as a boy from the village. He asked him where was his dad or hunting partners. He then grilled him with questions of who he was with and if he was alone. The boy was scared and had been crying. All his answers were “I don’t know.” He described the boy as disoriented, dazed, confused and scared, with no concept of time. He did not appear tired, nor was he hungry or thirsty. But the boy had been lucky; it seems he was found in a spot frequented by large tundra brown bears. Andres took the boy home, noting that there were no footprints in the spring snow to indicate anyone had walked into the area. He found that puzzling, he counted at least 10 other snowmobiles in the neighborhood, none of whom had spotted the boy. After getting the boy back to the village he left his VHS radio on overnight, in case some other hunter reported a missing child. No one did. It wasn’t until the next day that the story started emerging that he’d had what you’d call an “out of the ordinary experience,”. He’d had some missing time, just like people who report being abducted by UFOs. The boy said he was brought into Picher Mountain, a site often associated with “Ircenrraat” encounters. There he was questioned and saw other “little beings.” He said he made contact with a little girl abducted over 40 years ago. She told him who she was and she wanted help. After the Ircenrraat decided to release the boy and that’s when he came to, possibly a few minutes before Andrew found him.
Source:  T. Peter Park tpeterpark at erols . com


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