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Poltergeist. Russia

ID #1635505793
Added Fri, 29/10/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
Sverdlovskaya oblast

This story was told to me by an avid motorist Sergey Rudko. Once Seryoga was lucky enough to buy an almost new "Zhiguli"-"nine" and surprisingly inexpensive. Everything would seem wonderful: the car is well-groomed, sparkling, as if only from the conveyor.

That's just the guy who sold it warned:

"The cabin is often somehow uncomfortable, anxious, in a word, something is wrong."

But Sergey, pleased with the purchase, did not pay attention to the warning, he was already making plans with might and main, dreaming of a summer road trip to the sea or to the mountains.

However, all dreams had to be postponed after the first trip. A few minutes after I got behind the wheel, I felt my head being pulled together like a hoop, and my ears were being laid. Strange, probably, it would be necessary to wash the purchase, there is such a sign, he thought.

However, even after Sergei and his friends, as expected, drank to the new thing, the miracles in the car did not stop. One day on the road, for no reason, the engine stalled. To see how the pump pumps gasoline, Sergey removed the hose from the carburetor, and then put it on and in a hurry forgot about the clamp. He drives and suddenly sees: smoke billows from under the hood and the engine twitches. He stopped, opened the hood, the fire almost hit him in the face. I grabbed the fire extinguisher, pressed the button, and only a sigh came out of it. I took a bottle of mineral water from the back seat, filled the fire.

The next time Sergey was driving calmly, thinking about something of his own. But suddenly I saw a car with hay ahead and, without knowing why, I crashed into it. Such misfortunes happened almost every day. Soon he felt that his vigilance at the wheel was dulled, he could not immediately concentrate, did not react in time to light and sound. There was some kind of disturbing feeling, a premonition of trouble. As if something drove him out of the car, he could not stay in it for a long time. There was an unbearable pressure on the temples, a heaviness in the whole body. Sometimes he suddenly fell asleep right behind the wheel.

After Sergei's anxious feelings were confirmed by his friends who experienced the mysterious "nine", he said to himself:

"That's enough, I'm not riding it anymore."

The car stood in the garage for two weeks. It's perfectly serviceable, it glitters to everyone's envy, and you can't get behind the wheel. Then someone advised the guy to turn to the sorcerer grandfather Yakov, who lives in the neighboring Taborinsky district. He taught Sergei:

"It is necessary, they say, to disassemble the whole car to the last screw, and then assemble it with your own hands."

Sergei obeyed his advice, disassembled the car and found a black ribbon in the split back of the driver's seat, in which there were tied rusty needles with the tip down. Where this mourning surprise came from in the car seat has remained a mystery. But immediately after Sergei got rid of him, all the troubles ended. He drives his "nine" to this day.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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