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Poltergeist. Russia

ID #1635507217
Added Fri, 29/10/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
Нытвенский район
Permskiy kray

In one of the last issues of "Aif-Prikamye" there was an interesting publication about the Perm "barabashka". Indeed, the entities of the world of subtle matter, called poltergeist and UFO in the scientific community, affect our lives, but they themselves are not susceptible to human influence.

They come and go when they want. And they do what they want. This is the rule of their behavior. But there are exceptions here too. At the same time, the poltergeist turns out to be mysterious or, simply put, magically tied to a certain object. This connection is established by a person. He also destroys it. I want to tell you about one such mysterious and chilling story.

On the eve of the Great Patriotic War, my mother was a teacher in a remote village of the Nytvensky district of the Perm region. At the local elementary school where she worked, a woman who worked here as a cleaner settled in one of her rooms with two young children. They lived very poorly and, as was often the case then, they all slept on the floor, on a piece of felt.

One night at midnight, a woman suddenly woke up from a baby crying. She got up, lit a kerosene lamp and froze in horror. The edges of the blanket wrapped themselves. The children cried and fought back, but invisible hands stubbornly swaddled them in a knot.

When she came to, the woman rushed to help the children and began fumbling around the bed, trying to catch the invisible man. Alas, she was grabbing emptiness, but she clearly felt the resistance of the blanket being rolled up. Soon the invisible man left the children alone. But behind the stove there was a loud banging of a hook, a poker, and someone, as if with a clawed paw, scratched the floor.

The villagers took this event quite seriously. Some of them stayed overnight at school and made sure that everything was exactly like that. Others recalled similar stories they had heard from their parents. There was, however, a skeptic, a local communist, who said that he "does not believe in such nonsense." With the permission of the hostess, he also stayed on duty in her room. And what is it? After 12 o'clock at night, this man saw how someone's invisible hands began to wrap the master's children in bed, as if they wanted to take them somewhere. The man began to grab the air around the bed and suddenly screamed in horror and pain. The invisible man scratched his cheek badly. The next morning, the whole village went to look at the hapless tamer of the "evil spirit". There were scratches clearly visible on his face. It was as if someone's clawed paw had left its mark on him.

The invisible man acted for many nights and the woman was very tired of all this. Prayers and holy water were used to get rid of it. In vain. Finally, an old lady advised to thoroughly search all the nooks and crannies of the room, the underground and the oven. What to look for? Something unusual. And so they did. And then, at the very end of the stove, a lump of clay was found walled up in bricks, dried up like a stone. It turned out to be a paper with large wolf or dog claws wrapped in it. They were burned. From that time on, the invisible man no longer appeared in the house.


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